Vaccine to young people, Cauda: “Immunize even children under 12 years old”

Also vaccinate against Covid adolescents “from 12 to 16 years old”, as soon as the international regulatory authorities have approved the shield injections for this age group, “but also under the age of 12”. This is the goal to aim for according to Roberto Cauda, ​​director of the Infectious Diseases Operating Unit of the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome. “Obviously the vaccine must be effective and safe”, he said speaking at ‘Agorà’ on Rai3. After the European Medicines Agency Ema announced the start of the evaluation of the extension of use of Pfizer / BioNTech’s anti-Covid vaccine in 12-15 year olds, Cauda explains that it is right to protect even the youngest: “Absolutely yes” , he says, specifying that “there are no vaccinations that exclude age groups. All vaccinations, we know well, are done in children,” he observes. Furthermore, “there is this big debate” relating to the fact “that, if the entire population is not vaccinated – warns the infectious disease specialist – there is a risk that we will have a sort of endemic in the youngest”. A segment of the population in which “maybe the disease” Covid-19 “does not show itself, but there are infections”, Sars-CoV-2 circulates and the danger is that “sooner or later the virus will undergo mutations with variants that they can make current vaccines less effective. ”