Mandatory Green Pass in force throughout Italy. Since yesterday, Friday 6 August, the owners of restaurants, bars, cinemas, theaters and museums are required to verify that access to these services and activities takes place only if they have the green certificate, but many exhibitors report inconvenience and difficulty in controls. Prime Minister Mario Draghi has meanwhile invited Italians to “respect the rules” and get vaccinated, on the day when the latest report from the Ministry of Health records 6,599 cases and a positive rate of 2.7%. Read also ACTIVITIES FOR WHICH GREEN PASS IS REQUIRED – Catering services carried out by any establishment for consumption at the table indoors;
– Shows open to the public, sporting events and competitions;
– Museums, other cultural institutes and places and exhibitions;
– Swimming pools, swimming centers, gyms, team sports, wellness centers, even within accommodation facilities, limited to indoor activities;
– Festivals and fairs, conventions and congresses;
– Thermal centers, theme and amusement parks;
– Cultural centers, social and recreational centers, limited to indoor activities and with the exception of educational centers for children, summer centers and related catering activities;
– Activity of gaming rooms, betting rooms, bingo halls and casinos; Public competitions. “FINES AND PENALTIES But what risks those who do not respect the rules?” In case of violation, a fine from 400 to 1000 euros can be raised both for the operator and for the user. If the violation is repeated three times on three different days, the business could be closed from 1 to 10 days “. WHO CONTROLS AND HOW The owners or managers of services and activities for which access with the obligation of Green Certification is envisaged Covid-19 are required to verify the documentation with the VerificationC19 App, active since the end of June, which verifies the authenticity and verifies that the holder has the necessary requirements. It is completely free and downloadable on mobile devices from the Apple Store. from the Google Play Store and from Huawei AppGallery. The verification of certifications can also take place without an Internet connection. The ministries of Health, Economy, Technological Innovation, Commissioner Structure and Sogei indicate this in a joint note. in a simple way through the smartphone to check the validity of the Green pass required in Italy to participate in parties for civil and religious ceremonies, access to nursing homes or other structures, move in and out of areas classified as “red zone” or “orange zone”. The auditors just need to frame the QR Code of the Covid-19 green certification, which can be shown in paper or digital format, and make sure of the validity and identification data. The App complies with the European version and reduces the number of data that can be viewed by the operator to minimize the information processed. To protect the privacy of citizens, the personal data of the certification holder are not stored by the APP on the verifier’s device. The validity of the Covid-19 green certification for traveling to Europe will also be indicated in the next updates of the Verification C19 App. DRAGHI: “VACCINATEVI” “The Italian economy is going well, vaccinate and respect the rules”, the appeal of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, briefly meeting journalists at Palazzo Chigi for a greeting, before the government’s summer break. “Yesterday – continued Draghi – I thanked the ministers for the work they are doing and for the determination they have had in these six months in designing, implementing and implementing the government’s agenda. in mind that in two weeks it will take the same if not greater determination to face the challenges, problems and responses that we must give to serious and urgent problems “. “We all made a commitment that the school must absolutely start over in the presence” said the Prime Minister, reiterating the government’s determination to ensure that the school starts again in September with the presence in the classroom of students and teachers.
Then the vaccines. “I don’t want to celebrate successes – he reiterated – but it must be said that Italy has injected more doses per 100 inhabitants, compared to France, Germany and the United States. This effort must continue”.
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