“We must continue to maintain prudent behavior and above all rush to get vaccinated. We must be as fast as the Italian relay at the Olympics, because it is the best way to obtain the Green pass and therefore carry out all activities safely”. To draw a red thread between the vaccine race and the tricolor gold in the 4×100 men relay at the Tokyo Olympics is the Director General of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni Rezza, in a video message released after the press conference on Covid monitoring data. 19. Read also “Fortunately we are far below the critical threshold as regards the employment rates of the medical and intensive care area, even if in some regions we have seen a trend towards a certain increase, but for now contained. We can also expect more a certain increase both in the medical area and in intensive care, as a medium-term consequence of the increase in incidence that has occurred in recent weeks, but we are well below the critical threshold, at least for now “, he Rezza again said, expressing a certain “optimism”. “The message is on the one hand relatively positive for what the RT trend is”, he analyzes, “with a cautious optimism” also “as regards the decrease in the rate of increase in incidence. On the other hand – he reiterates – the message must in any case be that of maintaining prudent behavior. And we will also see, I hope – hopes the General Manager – the effect of using the Green pass in situations that until now were considered at risk “.” Today we are at 6,599 new cases with almost 245 thousand swabs carried out, therefore a fairly consistent number of swabs, more than yesterday “with” a little less cases “, he then recalled. “I have always said – he specified – we do not say ‘cases increase today, decrease tomorrow’, for heaven’s sake. But”, he comments, “these numbers” show a trend that does not seem to be a trend, at least in a decisive increase. And from this point of view, to some extent they are comforting data “. As for the third dose of anti-covid vaccine” at this moment, it is good to say, there is no certainty either for or against “. But” probably there are some layers of the population that will be revaccinated within the year. Revaccination for other categories of people should be considered. Probably, if it were decided to do so, for the most fragile people, who are at greater risk of serious consequences “. Rezza recalled that” Countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany and even France are considering the third dose, starting with more fragile people. We have already received opinions, including from the CTS and the National Transplant Center, to evaluate revaccination, especially in immunosuppressed people, such as transplant recipients. We must naturally study the timing, see when it is worth doing it, and it could, I use the conditional – he specifies – be considered a revaccination, a reminder, for the most fragile people, such as the elderly. After that the rest must be evaluated “, he reiterated. In any case, looking at the Italian data” we can say, on the one hand, for now with some satisfaction, that in some way we have limited the damage compared to other countries, such as the United Kingdom or the Iberian Peninsula which have much higher incidences than ours, even if they are beginning to decrease. But on the other hand we must say that it is good to continue to maintain prudent behavior, and measures such as the Green pass can at this moment limit, especially in the spaces of aggregation, the possible consequences, and allow everyone to experience the summer in a almost normal, “he concluded.
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