Green pass Italy, school and transport: rules from September

Compulsory green pass in Italy from 1 September for school staff, starting with teachers, and for long-distance transport such as trains, airplanes and ships. The new rules linked to the introduction of the green certificate – which will already be essential for indoor places such as bars, restaurants, gyms, swimming pools and concerts – were unanimously approved yesterday by the council of ministers. Read also As far as transport is concerned, the compulsory green pass for buses and the metro has not been compulsory. The Council of Ministers also confirmed the exclusion of the green pass obligation for all underage students, while it will be necessary for university students. As for teachers without a green pass or buffer, the new decree provides for a stop to salary after 5 days of absence. The new decree “still focuses very strongly on the tool of the green pass to manage this new epidemic phase”, explained the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi. “At this stage, the government’s choice is to try to invest as much as possible on the green pass to avoid closures and with this decree a further step has been taken”, remarked the minister. Here are all the measures provided for by the new decree approved by the CdM. SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY In the school year 2021-2022, the school and teaching activities of the kindergarten, primary school and lower and upper secondary school and university will be carried out in presence. The measure can be waived only in individual schools or in those present in specific territorial areas and with provisions of the Presidents of the Regions, of the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano and of the mayors, which can be adopted in the orange and red areas and in circumstances of exceptional and extraordinary need. due to the onset of outbreaks or the extremely high risk of spreading the virus or its variants It is mandatory to use respiratory protection devices, except for children under the age of six, for people with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask, for those engaged in sports activities. The guidelines may derogate from the obligation to wear a mask if only vaccinated or cured students participate in the activities. It is forbidden to enter or remain in the school premises for subjects with respiratory symptoms or body temperature over 37.5 °. All school and university staff and university students (who may be subjected to random checks) must have the green pass. Failure to comply with the requirement is considered unjustified absence and starting from the fifth day of absence, the employment relationship is suspended and no salary or other remuneration is due. the rules of the decree and the measures established by the guidelines and protocols. Universities can waive the measures only for activities in which only vaccinated or cured students participate. The Extraordinary Commissioner will organize and implement a screening plan for the school population. TRANSPORT New rules are introduced for access to and use of means of transport from next September 1st. In this case, the guiding criterion is the distinction between medium-long distance transport and short-distance public transport, with the exception of airplanes for which no differentiation is envisaged. On the basis of this subdivision, access and use of the following means of transport will be allowed only to persons with Green Pass: aircraft used for commercial passenger transport services; ships and ferries used for interregional transport services, with the exception of those used for maritime connections in the Strait of Messina; trains used in Inter City, Inter City Night and High Speed ​​passenger rail transport services; buses used for passenger transport services, with an undifferentiated offer, carried out on the road continuously or periodically on a route that connects more than two regions and with pre-established itineraries, timetables, frequencies and prices; buses used for rental services with driver, with the exception of those used in additional local and regional public transport services. The use of other means of transport can also take place without the green pass, subject to compliance with anti-contagion measures. The green pass obligation does not apply to subjects excluded by age from the vaccination campaign and to people who, for health reasons and according to the indications of the CTS, cannot be vaccinated. SPORTS EVENTS For this category, for outdoor events, alternatives to interpersonal distancing of at least one meter can be envisaged; for indoor events, the already established capacity limit is raised to 35%.

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