Covid, Galli: “More contagious variants of Delta? There is a risk”

“In theory, there is always the possibility that another variant will emerge with an even greater spreading capacity than the Delta. We must always keep in mind that this virus changes and continues to circulate. On this we must not accept lapses of attention. The solution is vaccinating “. Massimo Galli, professor of Infectious Diseases at the State University and primary at the Sacco of Milan, said this to Adnkronos Health, commenting on the alarm of immunologist Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to US President Joe Biden, on the real risk of a new variant of the virus Sars -Cov 2 “worse than the Delta, if the high percentage of unvaccinated Americans will not decide to do so, thus allowing to reduce the viral circulation. “The speech is flawless. I know Fauci – he added – and he is certainly not a person who shoots. He is a professional of extreme competence and balance. He is not telling bubbles: he is saying that this virus has repeatedly given the sign of its capacity for mutation. And over time it has produced such variants as to cause concern, for its diffusive capacity. It is an element of knowledge that we have and that we must always keep in mind “.