Green pass school, teachers: salary stop after 5 days of absence

Mandatory green pass in Italy for all school and university staff. As for teachers without a green pass, the new decree approved by the council of ministers provides for a stop to salary after 5 days of absence. The new rules are explained by the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi during the press conference at the end of the CDM at Palazzo Chigi. “As far as schools are concerned, we are already at very high levels of vaccinations”, the minister said, explaining that “the school world is the one that has reacted more and more promptly to the vaccination call: our staff is, on a national, over 86% “vaccinated. “With Commissioner Figliuolo we are reviewing the numbers of those Regions that seem to be lower, but we estimate to be around 90%”, he adds. “We have foreseen the green pass, but not the compulsory vaccination”, explains Bianchi. “For those who do not want to vaccinate, there is an invitation to swab, if you do not do it, unjustified absence is considered and from the fifth day the employment relationship is suspended and no salaries are due. of the employment relationship – he adds -, let’s talk about a suspension, is a precautionary argument that has at its center the safety of all people “.

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