Green pass mandatory from tomorrow 6 August in Italy, with new rules related to the green certificate issued to those who have received the vaccine (first dose or single dose), those who have recovered from covid or those who have tested negative for a tampon. Meanwhile, today, a key day with the ‘control room’ with Prime Minister Mario Draghi at 11.30. In the afternoon, at 4.30 pm, the Council of Ministers convened. The green pass from tomorrow will be essential to access indoor places, such as bars or restaurants, but also gyms, swimming pools, concerts and museums. Read also GREEN PASS, HOW TO HAVE A compulsory green pass, how to get it? To have it, one of the following conditions must be met: having had an anti Covid vaccination; be negative on the rapid molecular or antigen test within the past 48 hours; be healed of Covid 19 in the past six months. The green certification is generated automatically and made available free of charge in the following cases: having carried out the first dose or single-dose vaccine for at least 15 days; have completed the vaccination course; have tested negative for a molecular or rapid swab within the previous 48 hours; be healed of Covid in the previous six months.GREEN PASS, WHERE AND WHEN NEEDED Tomorrow, August 6, in Italy the green pass will be essential for all citizens over the age of 12 to freely carry out certain activities including: access to restaurants at the closed; enter the cinema, theater or museums; engage in physical activity in the gym; participate in festivals, enter stadiums, congresses and major events; consume at the bars indoors at the table except for the service at the counter; move in and out of territories classified as red or orange zones. Regions and autonomous provinces may provide for other uses of the green pass within the territories of their competence. In case of vaccine received, for the first dose of vaccines that require two, the pass will be generated from the 15th day after administration and will be valid until the next dose; in the event of a second dose or single dose due to a previous infection, the certification will be generated within the following two days and will be valid for 9 months (270 days) from the date of administration; for the single-dose vaccine the green pass will be generated from the 15th day after administration and will be valid for 9 months.In cases of negative swab the Covid certificate will be generated in a few hours and will be valid for 48 hours from the time of collection. In cases of healing it will be generated within the following day and will be valid for 180 days.GREEN PASS, WHO ISSUING IT AND HOW TO DOWNLOAD THE GREEN CERTIFICATES can be viewed, downloaded and printed through various digital channels: on the dedicated website; through the website of the regional electronic health record; on the Immuni app; with the IO app. For all those who have difficulty or unavailability in the use of these digital tools, general practitioners, pediatricians of free choice and pharmacists who have access to the health card system will be involved. For more information, you can visit the website specially created by the government ( or contact the toll-free number of the Immuni App at 800.91.24.91 active every day from 8 to 20.
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