Green pass, government in the final squeeze

Green pass Italy, government in the final tightening in view of August 6, when the obligation relating to the green certificate will be triggered, essential for access to a series of services and commercial establishments, such as indoor restaurants. Measures are being worked on to prevent the risks associated with a possible resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic, also with a view to the resumption of the school year. The ‘control room’ with Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the ministers responsible for the measures will be held tomorrow morning, at 11.30. While the CDM will be convened for 4 pm. Read also Meanwhile today, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the emergency commissioner Francesco Paolo Figliuolo were at Palazzo Chigi. And just Figliuolo, in a letter to the Regions and the autonomous provinces, asked to have precise data on the number of professors vaccinated by August 20. After having highlighted that the data relating to the school staff arrived so far “show, in some cases, variations relating to both the audiences and the percentages of citizens vaccinated”, Figliuolo in the letter explains that, “in order to have univocal data that take into account of the real progress of the vaccination campaign, it is necessary that, by the deadline of next 20 August, each Region / PA that deems it necessary to make changes proceed: for the audience, to clarify the type of staff, in service, which was considered ‘scholastic ‘(manager, teacher, Ata, administrative, etc.), distinguishing between public and private (equal and non-equal) “, and” for administrations to have the data rectified in Avn (by excluding from the category non-active personnel) for those which are deemed not to be registered as part of the category despite being such “.