Sicily divided into four risk bands based on the number of Covid infections associated with the percentage of the population that has completed the vaccination cycle. This is the central point of the opinion prepared by the Technical Scientific Committee for the Covid emergency in the Region – among those at risk of the yellow zone – in which adherence to the vaccination campaign becomes a further parameter for the assessment of the epidemic scenario at a local level and to establish any restrictions. According to the CTS, the municipalities and provinces where the contagion index is high (greater than 250 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants) are to be placed in a high-risk area, but vaccination coverage is less than 70 percent of the entire population. or less than 80 percent of the population over 60. For the CTS, “the only scientifically reliable reference parameter for limiting the circulation and spread of the virus, and above all for limiting its negative effects on the health of the individual and of the community, is the complete vaccination (double dose or single dose according to the vaccine administered) “. According to the document, in the light of the current epidemiological situation, on the basis of data monitoring, it is possible to imagine a decision-making evaluation scheme that dynamically adapts to a series of parameters including the cumulative weekly incidence; the percentage of vaccinated in the general and at-risk population; the relationship between infections-hospitalization-beds of Covid-19 positive subjects; and the trend of hospitalizations in relation to national and international case studies. In detail, the model proposed by the Committee, in addition to the high-risk area, provides for the medium risk (greater than 150, but less than 250 infections per hundred thousand inhabitants, with vaccination coverage of less than 70 percent of the entire population or less than 80 percent of over 60s; low risk (between 150 and 250 infections per hundred thousand inhabitants with vaccination coverage greater than 70 percent of the entire population or greater than 80 percent of over 60s, or from 50 to 150 infections per one hundred thousand inhabitants with vaccination coverage greater than 60 percent of the population or 70 percent for those over 60); the very low risk (less than 50 infections per hundred thousand inhabitants and vaccination coverage greater than 70 percent). restrictive measures would therefore be those municipalities in which, upon exceeding the established threshold of weekly cases in relation to the resident population, there was also a low participation of to population at the vaccination campaign. Furthermore, in the event of difficulty in contact tracing operations by the competent Asp Prevention Department, suggested by the numerous small outbreaks present in the Sicilian provinces, the Committee confirms “the need, if conditions of increased risk are detected, to introduce further containment measures “.” The progressive extension of the vaccination campaign has led to a reduction in hospitalization, albeit in a scenario of increasing spread of infections. In addition, Sicily is currently among the regions with daily cases and weekly incidence rates more high (to date it exceeds 95 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants) although it remains in the lowest risk range with reference to the occupation of the beds “, emerges from the opinion prepared by the Technical Scientific Committee for the Covid emergency in Sicily. “The epidemic curve – writes the Committee – is currently supported by the young age groups, both due to the greater propensity for mobility and interpersonal contacts, and because the lowest levels of vaccination coverage are currently recorded among children”. Therefore, he continues, “it is necessary to accelerate the times to achieve high vaccination coverage and the completion of vaccination cycles to prevent further recurrences of episodes of increased circulation of the virus, sustained by emerging variants with greater transmissibility and also due to the presence of outbreaks caused by the viral variant delta in Italy and the current vaccination coverage “. For the CTS” it is appropriate to comply with measures and behaviors to limit the further spread of viral circulation. To date, the vaccine is the only effective weapon in the fight against the pandemic from Sars-CoV-2, thanks to the reduction of the contraction / transmission of the virus, the development of symptoms and / or disease, the reduction of hospitalization and mortality but, above all, thanks to the potential development of herd immunity “.
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