Covid vaccine, Ricciardi: “Third dose will have to be done, we need to produce more”

The moratorium on third doses of the anti-Covid vaccine, requested by the WHO “I understand it”, but “sooner or later the third dose will have to be done all over the world. We need to produce more”. To tell Adnkronos Salute is Walter Ricciardi, advisor to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University of Rome. Read also “The WHO request for a moratorium is not to make third doses to give poor countries the possibility of vaccinating at least 10% of the population. This however cannot be the solution”, warns the expert: “We need to increase for everyone the quantity of vaccines because a booster will eventually be necessary, given that we have evidence that immunity wanes over time “. Ricciardi invites us to “reflect”. “The point – he says – is the quantity of vaccines. And the real solution would be to increase production so that they can be there for everyone. Currently production is still too low because the patent suspension, which was mentioned at the beginning. , has remained a dead letter. It is clear that, if vaccines are few, neither the needs of rich countries nor those of poor countries can be met “. For the expert it is “a reasoning that must be done in an agreed manner. Of course it is an important call from the WHO. And we must reflect on it – he repeats – but we must reconcile the security needs of the countries that have already started the campaign vaccinate with those who have not yet started it. Surely this pandemic will emerge all together, but we need to think very carefully about our choices “. The WHO appeal “is to the G20 – remarks Ricciardi – to the richest countries that produce vaccines. It is a reflection that must be made in this area and gives Italy a great responsibility, because our country presides over the G20. The meeting of the G20 health ministers will take place on 5 September and it will be a reflection that will certainly be brought to that table “.

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