Green pass Italy, who can check the certifications and how

Green pass Italy mandatory starting from 6 August, when the green document will be necessary to access various activities and services. And to monitor and check the validity of the ‘passes’ will not only be public officials, but also restaurateurs, owners or managers of all those activities in which it will be deemed necessary. But how will it work? This is explained by the government in the information dedicated to operators dealing with the dedicated app. Read also VERIFICAC19, THE APP FOR CHECKING AUTHENTICITY The verification process of the COVID-19 green certifications, as stated in the dedicated chapter on the site, “provides for the use of the national verification app VerificationC19, installed on a mobile device . This application allows you to verify the authenticity and validity of the certifications without the need for an internet connection (offline) and without storing personal information on the verifier’s device “. The VerificationC19 application, it explains,” complies with the European version , but the number of data that can be viewed by the operator decreases in order to minimize the information processed “. The App is obviously free. HOW DOES THE VERIFICATION TAKE PLACE How is the verification done? The Certification, we still read, “is requested by the verifier to the interested party who shows the relative QR Code (in digital or paper format). The Verification C19 App reads the QR Code, extracts the information and proceeds with the control of the electronic seal qualified. The Verification C19 App applies the rules to verify that the Certification is valid “. The App then shows “graphically to the verifier the effective validity of the Certification as well as the name, surname and date of birth of the holder of the same”. The interested party, upon request of the verifier, then exhibits “his / her own identity document valid for the purpose of verifying the correspondence of the personal data present in the document with those displayed by the App “. WHO CAN VERIFY THE VALIDITY OF THE GREEN PASS Who are the operators who can verify the Certification? As reported by the government, these are: – public officials in the exercise of their functions – personnel assigned to control services for entertainment and show activities in places open to the public or in public establishments registered in the list referred to in ‘article 3, paragraph 8, of law no. 94.- owners of accommodation facilities and public establishments for access to which the possession of COVID-19 green certification is required, as well as their delegates.- owner or legitimate holder of places or premises where events are held and activities for which the possession of COVID-19 green certification is required, as well as their delegates. possession of COVID-19 green certification, as well as their delegates.

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