Today’s covid Italy bulletin, 2 August: 3,190 new infections and 23 deaths recorded by the data of the Ministry of Health released by the Civil Protection. 83,223 swabs were carried out, the positivity rate was 3.8%. Read also LOMBARDY – There are 326 new Coronavirus positives in Lombardy according to today’s bulletin, 2 August. There has been no death since yesterday. The swabs carried out were 10,511 with a positivity rate of 3.1%. Patients admitted to intensive care are up to 32.5 more, while those not in intensive care are 210, two more. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Lombardy, 33,827 people have died. In the Milanese there have been 91 new infections since yesterday, of which 44 in Milan city. As for the other provinces of Lombardy, 4 new cases are recorded in Bergamo, in Brescia 26, in Como 10, in Cremona 2, in Lecco 2, in Lodi 1, in Mantua 23, in the province of Monza and Brianza 19, in Pavia 9, in Sondrio 2 and in Varese 117.
LAZIO – There are 292 new infections from Coronavirus in Lazio according to today’s bulletin, Monday 2 August. The table refers to two other deaths. There have been 193 new cases in Rome since yesterday. “We remain in the white zone, the pressure on hospitals is low” says the Councilor for Health of the Region Alessio D’Amato who warns that “even young people end up in intensive care”. EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 560 new coronavirus infections in Emilia Romagna according to today’s bulletin, 2 August. Also recorded two other deaths. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 395,489 positive cases have been recorded in the Region, 10,585 swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the number of tampons made since yesterday is 5.3%, a value that is not indicative of the general trend given the number of tampons performed, which on Sunday is lower than on other days. In addition, on holidays, especially the molecular ones, are made primarily on cases for which a positive result is often expected.In the meantime, the anti-Covid vaccination campaign continues, extended to all citizens over 12 years of age. At 3 pm a total of 5,100,386 doses were administered; out of the total 2,333,490 people have completed the vaccination cycle FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 22 new coronavirus infections today Monday 2 August 2021 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, according to data communicated by the deputy governor with responsibility for Health, Riccardo Riccardi. No new deaths. Here is the situation in detail: today in Friuli Venezia Giulia 15 new infections were detected on 1,212 molecular swabs with a positive percentage of 1.24%. There are also 353 rapid antigenic tests carried out, from which 7 cases (1.98%) were detected. From the analysis of the data available, it emerges that 57 percent of new infections have to do with people under the age of 29. Today there are no deaths; three people are hospitalized in intensive care, while there are 19 patients in other departments, Riccardi reports. The total deaths amount to 3,790, with the following territorial subdivision: 813 in Trieste, 2.012 in Udine, 672 in Pordenone and 293 in Gorizia. The totally healed are 103,562, the clinically recovered 42, while those in isolation are 690. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a total of 108,106 people have been positive with the following territorial subdivision: 21,435 in Trieste, 50,649 in Udine, 21,449 a Pordenone, 13,150 in Gorizia and 1,423 from outside the region. Among the staff of the regional health system there was the positive result of a nurse from the Western Friuli health authority. On the other hand, no cases were detected among the operators of residential structures for the elderly present in the region as well as there are no positive ones among the guests of the same structures.ABRUZZO – There are 25 new coronavirus infections in Abruzzo according to data from today’s bulletin, 2 August. One death has been recorded in the last 24 hours, which brings the total deaths in the region to 2,515 since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Currently the positives in Abruzzo are 1,486 (-21 compared to yesterday), 38 patients (+4) are hospitalized in the medical area; one in intensive care, while the other 1,447 (-26) are in home isolation. Since yesterday, 593 molecular swabs have been performed (1,262,793 in total since the beginning of the emergency) and 480 antigen tests (584,948). The positivity rate, calculated on the sum of molecular swabs and antigen tests of the day, is equal to 2.32%. TUSCANY – In Tuscany there are 452 new Covid cases (437 confirmed with molecular swab and 15 by rapid antigenic test), which bring the total to 253,127 since the start of the coronavirus health emergency. New cases are 0.2% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grew by 0.1% and reached 238,354 (94.2% of total cases). Today 4,903 molecular swabs and 1,111 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 7.5% were positive. On the other hand, 3,000 subjects tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular swab, excluding control swabs), of which 15.1% were positive. The currently positive are 7,854 today, + 3.8% compared to yesterday. There are 179 hospitalized (12 more than yesterday), of which 20 in intensive care (2 more). Today there are 6 new deaths: 2 men and 4 women with an average age of 69.8 years MARCHE – There are 65 new coronavirus infections in the Marche region according to today’s bulletin, Monday 2 August. No new deaths. In the last 24 hours, 849 molecular and antigenic swabs were performed. In total there are 35 hospitalized, of which you are in intensive care. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 105,753 cases have been diagnosed in the Marche region, while the deaths have been 3,039 in all in the SARDINIA Region – There are 178 new coronavirus infections in Sardinia according to data from the bulletin today, 2 August. Two other deaths were recorded: a 54-year-old seafarer disembarked from a ship and an 84-year-old man residing in the metropolitan city of Cagliari. 1,494 people tested since yesterday. There are 19 patients admitted to intensive care units (+ 2 compared to yesterday). Patients hospitalized in the medical area are 77 (+3), while there are 5,195 cases of home isolation (+75). PIEDMONT – There are 138 new coronavirus infections in Piedmont according to today’s bulletin, 2 August. No deaths registered since yesterday. The percentage of positivity is 1.2% of the 11,074 swabs performed, of which 7,849 antigenic. Of the 138 new cases, 77 asymptomatic cases equal about 55.8% of the total. There are six hospitalized in intensive care, like yesterday, as well as 81 in ordinary Covid wards. 2,467 people are in home isolation. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 11,699 deaths. In the last 24 hours the healed were 59 in Piedmont.
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