“The vulnerabilities we are talking about are much more present than you think, the cyber threat has become of a disconcerting ease. However, I do not believe the hypothesis of the no-vax gang that brings the Lazio vaccination network to its knees. Rather, I think it was a warning from a much more organized and serious group “. This was told to Adnkronos Ranieri Razzante, Cybersecurity advisor to the Undersecretary of Defense, in relation to the hacker attack on the Lazio Region website that hindered the booking of vaccines online. “Crime wants to make its voice heard, not only by taking the opportunity to enter the markets for protection tools and vaccines, it wants to make it known that it is there. This is an attack that has an announcement effect – urges the cybercrime expert – Not I see a direction of ‘simpleton’ who put themselves there and since they are against the vaccine they make an attack. What the director of the Postal Police Nunzia Ciardi says about the fact that the pandemic has made the system more vulnerable, is the key to everything and how the agency for the crimes of the Net that is emerging will have to serve to prevent large-scale attacks. It will be a support structure for the business system, hooking up with the territory and proposing protection systems even to the smallest business “. (by Silvia Mancinelli)