Endometriosis, “women penalized twice”. An anti-stigma campaign is launched

“Women suffering from endometriosis are penalized twice: by the disease and by a socio-cultural context” full of stigma. This was denounced by the Fie, the Italian Endometriosis Federation, which today launches a campaign to tell the difficulties experienced by patients every day. Through three videos, made together with Oej Agency, the Fie wants to launch “a strong message of awareness against all the prejudices and obstacles that over 3 million women in Italy are forced to face every day, in the most varied social contexts, starting from family and work, because of their illness “. A condition that “too often generates commonplaces and wrong judgments, which end up ‘paralyzing’ the person suffering from endometriosis even more, leading them to not act and to withdraw into themselves”. The videos, which will be disseminated from today on the social channels of the FIE and within the official community that has over 42 thousand members – explains the Federation in a note – report numerous testimonies of patients with endometriosis and those who live in close contact with them. Testimonies of women, therefore, but also of men – fathers, husbands, boyfriends, friends – interrupted by voices without a body that prevent the speaker from telling their own experience. “We have said several times that endometriosis is an invisible disease, a disease difficult to understand for those who are not victims of it and which often generates superficial judgments or real prejudices and discriminatory behaviors – says Pietro Giulio Signorile, president of the Fie – Women who suffer from endometriosis are often penalized twice: by the disease and by the socio-cultural context. For this reason it is important to spread the knowledge of this disease as much as possible, to support research with the 5×1000 and to invite institutions to carry out concrete actions in support of women who have to live with this invisible disabling disease, so today there are no cures, only therapies “.