Rain from North to South, bad weather in Italy: the fault of the cyclone

Rain over most of Italy, from the north to Campania, with unfavorable weather as you enter the bridge until 25 April. All the fault for now of the cyclone that started from the Balearics and arrived on Italy with intense rainfall. The eye of this cyclone, 995 hPa deep, passed yesterday between Sardinia and Corsica and moved into Tuscany during the night. The Italian bad weather of today will therefore be associated with this whirlwind with the eye in Tuscany; since the rotation of the cloud bodies is always counterclockwise in our hemisphere, the clouds will move around the Tuscan minimum in the following way: on the eastern flank of the cyclone, east of the eye, the clouds and rains will rise towards the Triveneto for then turn towards Emilia Romagna and Lower Piedmont with widespread bad weather; on the western part of the Tuscan minimum, the clouds will instead move from Sardinia towards Lazio and the Lower Tyrrhenian Sea. Here, in one fell swoop, the cyclone will be able to bring rains from Cuneo to Salerno.Also the winds will obviously be in cyclonic rotation: strong Scirocco on the Adriatic and high water in Venice, westerly winds on the Tyrrhenian basin with intensification of the Libeccio from the afternoon. A textbook weather situation, but beware! Due to a ‘cold drop’ present at high altitude, i.e. an almost circular depression area filled with more unstable air, we will also have severe local weather until the early afternoon with thunderstorms and showers. the minimum will move from Tuscany to the east and tomorrow morning it will already be far away, in Hungary. In the meantime, however, another vortex, started from Ireland and currently on Spain, will reach Italy from the West: tomorrow the first rains will wet Liguria and Piedmont, then gradually from the afternoon-evening another phase of bad weather will open, this vault confined mainly to the North. An eventful situation, let’s try to clarify the expected time from Saturday to Monday for the holidaymakers of the April 25th bridge: Antonio Sanò, director and founder of the site www.ilmeteo.it confirms that Italy will be divided into 3. In the North the maximums will struggle to reach 15-17 ° C and we will have unstable conditions for the whole bridge, even with the return of snow up to 1300-1500 meters; in the Center we will find a sunny Saturday, a slightly cloudy Sunday and a rainy April 25, but with a maximum of 20-21 ° C; in the South everything is different, full sun, 22-25 ° C and short-sleeved T-shirts. FORECASTS IN DETAIL Friday 22. In the North: still bad weather, especially in Triveneto and Emilia Romagna. In the Center: bad weather with scattered rains and thunderstorms. In the South: rains on Campania and Basilicata, showers arriving in west Sicily, drier elsewhere. Saturday 23. In the North: new disturbance arriving in the North-West and then from the afternoon to evening also in the North-East. In the Center: by evening bad weather in upper Tuscany, sunny elsewhere. In the South: good weather. Sunday 24. In the North: unstable with scattered rains and snow above 1200 meters. In the Center: more unstable only in Tuscany, sun elsewhere. In the South: prevalence of sunshine. Trend. Italy divided into 3: prevalence of sunshine in the South, uncertain in the Center, unstable in the North with scattered rains until 26 April.