Rain and wind over Italy, but what will the weather be like on April 25?

Cyclones, wind and rains over Italy in the coming days. The Scirocco winds on the south, which will bring an increase in temperatures with values ​​up to 8 ° C above the average for the period, will be associated with intense rains on Sardinia and the North-West, with a return to autumn for the Center-North . Today, therefore, gusts of gale are expected over a large part of the Center-South, in particular on the coastal sectors and in Sicily. In addition to the wind we will also have rains and they will be celebrated in the Center-North as a mirage that materializes: after months of drought it will rain widely in the North-West and in the Tyrrhenian regions, but beware we will still have heavy rains on Sardinia. Tomorrow the ‘manna’ of the rain will also fall in the North-East and will extend over a large part of our beautiful country, from the Alps to the Peloritani, in particular until the afternoon, then there could be a short respite. A second disturbed front is expected for Saturday afternoon with strong thunderstorms and a further drop in temperature: this disturbance will hit the north and the central belt between Tuscany and Marche but, south of an imaginary line, we will have sunshine and milder temperatures. Andrea Garbinato, editorial manager of ilmeteo.it, sees this imaginary line, the separation between good weather and bad weather along the GRO-PER-AN axis: this acronym stands for Grosseto-Perugia-Ancona, therefore south of this line geographical we will be able to see the sun with pleasant temperatures, above this line the entire bridge of April 25 could require an umbrella and a coat. In conclusion, let’s get ready for the Sciroccata, understood as a phase of intense wind from the South-East, the Scirocco wind, from the Arabic ‘sharqiyya’ meaning ‘eastern’. Clouds, rains and locally the sand of the desert will arrive from the eastern quadrants: the yellow skies will return with suspended Tunisian silt, where it will fall we will also have red rains.Today Thursday 21 April – In the north: bad weather with widespread rains, less frequent in the North- East. Center: overcast sky with widespread rain. In the south: species worsening in the peninsular regions. Friday 22 April – In the north: still bad weather, further extending towards the North-East. Middle: bad weather with rain and thunderstorms. In the south: widespread rains, more intense in Campania. Saturday 23 April – In the north: still bad weather, arriving in the North-West and then in the afternoon in the North-East. Center: residual rains between Tuscany and Marche, improves elsewhere. In the south: improvement with prevalence of sunshine. Trend – Since Sunday Italy divided into 3, prevalence of sunshine in the South, uncertain in the Center, unstable in the North with scattered rains.