The patient: “Multiple sclerosis daily challenge, I dream of new goals in search”

“A diagnosis of multiple sclerosis marks a watershed between the idea of ​​what one was before and the vague imaginary of what one could be later in the future. In many cases there is certainly a moment of despair, perhaps even anger, confusion. It may not necessarily be a completely negative shock. ” In the case of Federica Balzani, 37, giving a name to the disease that had struck her “was perhaps a reason for relief after more than a year of observation. At that moment I was fine and the acceptance of what I had was a process simpler. I imagined both the worst and the best scenario, looking for solutions or ways of living for all cases “, she says. “Perhaps the management of the disease in everyday life is the most complex and challenging part”, he stressed today during a meeting held in Milan on the occasion of the green light of the Italian drug agency Aifa for the reimbursement of ofatumumab, a highly effective treatment at home, targeted at B cells, indicated for adults with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (Smrr). Federica is coordinator of Pharma and Healthcare Corporate Relations Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association (Aism) and member of the Board of Emsp (European Muliple Sclerosis Platform). And he talks about the challenge posed by the disease in everyday life, “because – he explains – multiple sclerosis has a thousand faces and it is necessary to be alert, to recognize the symptoms every day. Without too much anxiety, I would add. to listen to each other, to approach the future, and there is certainly a constant fear of the reappearance of the disease, of its possible progression “. The ability not to isolate oneself, constant dialogue with the neurologist, are important elements, Federica lists. The specialist, Federica points out bringing her personal experience, “urged me to continue my life normally without fearing a progression and favoring immediately the beginning of a therapy, even if 15 years ago there was not the panorama of therapies that exists today “. As for the new treatment made available, the young woman points out that “it is important to combine the high efficacy of a treatment with self-administration, which in itself is not new for this disease. The novelty lies in being able to serenely choose a very valid treatment without having to going to hospital at certain times and being able to manage independently. The possibility of managing a disease such as multiple sclerosis affects the quality of life. And the winning combination can be in the coexistence of a highly effective treatment with ease of management. The most desired? Perhaps a “highly effective” treatment by mouth and the absence of side effects. We trust in science, which has made great strides in a short time “.