Covid today Italy, hospitalizations are still falling: -5.3%

Covid-19 hospitalizations still down for the second consecutive week. “The downward trend in the number of hospitalized patients in Covid areas continues, which had already decreased by 1% last week: in the period 12-19 April there was a sharper decrease, equal to 5.3%”. This is what emerges from the survey of sentinel hospitals by Fiaso, the Italian Federation of health and hospital companies. “With the minus sign both Covid hospitalizations in ordinary wards and in intensive care. In resuscitation, after a week of substantial stability, the share of hospitalized patients dropped by 6.9%. The decrease in ordinary wards was reduced by 5. , 2% “, underlines the report. According to Fiaso, the situation in intensive care relating to fragile patients should be highlighted: “100% of those hospitalized ‘for Covid’, therefore with respiratory and pulmonary symptoms, are affected by other serious pathologies. About 30% of patients in resuscitation , albeit with significant comorbidities, it is no vax: it continues not to enjoy vaccination protection, despite repeated calls for the administration of the vaccine, especially for vulnerable subjects. Among the vaccinated, on the other hand, 55% have been vaccinated for over 4 months “. report points out that “the number of pediatric patients is also significantly reduced”. “In the survey of 19 April, in the four pediatric hospitals and in the pediatric wards of the hospitals belonging to the Fiaso sentinel network, a decrease of 32% is observed – continues Fiaso – The most affected age group, as always, is that between 0 and 4 years. (83% of hospitalization cases), and in particular 19% have between 0 and 6 months “. The vaccination condition of the parents was investigated among the youngest children: “37% of newborns who end up in hospital with Covid-19 infection continue to have both or at least one of the two no vax parents”, underlines the report. “We are in a phase of rather sharp decline in” Covid “hospitalizations. The reversal of the trend in hospitalizations, a bit uncertain in the past week, has taken on consistency. Even if we cannot speak of a collapse, the figure in decline in all types of hospitalized patients is a rather evident sign “, underlines Giovanni Migliore, president of the Italian Federation of Health and Hospital Companies (Fiaso), commenting on the survey. Best points out that “the presence in intensive care of patients who, in 100% of cases, suffer from other pathologies, places among the priorities the issue of the fourth dose of” anti-Covid vaccine “for the frail. still scarce: only one in 10 immunocompromised patients had the second vaccination booster on an audience of over 800 thousand who would need it. The need for the fourth dose is not only recommended by the scientific data on the decline in vaccination protection after 120 days, but also hospitalizations in intensive care: now only fragile subjects arrive in our intensive wards “. “They are the most at risk of developing the most serious consequences of the disease – he adds – It is essential to launch the campaign for the fourth dose in a massive way and to proceed with the active call of all patients in care at health and hospital facilities to invite them. to vaccination “.