Covid vaccine, Hope: “Second booster under 80? Possible before autumn”

” Today, a further booster of the covid vaccine is important for the most vulnerable people. Then we will evaluate: it is probable that the threshold of 80 years could drop before the autumn months, the most complicated “. This was stated by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, guest of Giovanni Floris at ‘Di Martedì’ on La7.” The vaccine protects us for a number of months but not forever. The hypothesis of recalls, we will see if annual or if science will indicate a different time frame, is absolutely possible ”, says the minister. Covid ” is not a flu as many say, it remains a serious epidemic and a very insidious virus. The choice of our scientific community is a choice that I share, one of prudence. If you are positive it is right that you stay at home to avoid contaminating other people and circulating the virus excessively. It is true that some countries have made other choices but the vast majority of European countries and the world if you are positive still keep you at home. Imagine what it means today with a million positives to tell everyone ‘walk around quietly’. We would risk creating a situation that is no longer manageable or controllable ‘, he adds. ” We evaluate day by day. Many evaluations still need to be measured, such as the one on indoor masks which are mandatory at the moment and which in my opinion remain a very important safeguard, ” he says.