Denise, Milo Infante: “Never said to be investigated by the prosecutors of Marsala”

“I never said that I was being investigated by the Public Prosecutor of Marsala (Trapani), as someone wrote. I was reached by a notice of guarantee from the Public Prosecutor of Caltanissetta with the accusation of defamation, aggravated in addition. So, from Marsala not no denial may have arrived, because I never said I was being investigated by that Prosecutor’s Office. Having said that, I repeat that I have never made a criticism of the magistrates of Marsala. I only asked that they deal with finding little Denise Pipitone “. Speaking with Adnkronos “to clarify” is the journalist Milo Infante, presenter of the Rai2 program “Ore 14”, thus replying to the news according to which he was being investigated by the Public Prosecutor of Marsala. “Never said – he explains – these are fake news that are not good for journalism”. “You are right Piera Maggio, when you say, expressing solidarity for my guarantee notice, that they are making a scorched earth around you”. Other journalists are also under investigation together with Infante. The Rai conductor reiterates: “None of us have ever talked about Marsala, it’s not easy to be wrong. It is written on the guarantee notice that I was notified that Caltanissetta is investigating. It is simply the result of bad journalism”. Infante is being investigated by the Caltanissetta prosecutor’s office because the people who are offended by the alleged defamation are magistrates, precisely from Marsala. And for territorial jurisdiction, when there are magistrates among the offended parties or among the suspects, another Prosecutor’s Office takes care of them. In this case that of Caltanissetta. “On March 16, that is, more than a month ago, I made a post in which I wrote that I was notified of the guarantee notice – explains Infante – I read ‘Procura di Caltanissetta’ and I immediately understood who I was He sued. Those who considered themselves defamed, even in an ‘aggravated’ way. So, I made the post in which I absolutely do not speak of the prosecutors but I say that the magistrates instead of investigating the journalists should investigate to look for Denise. My emotional outlet, I just said: “Look for her, this little girl.” Besides, I’m not the only one being investigated, there are other colleagues. There is an activity in progress “.” I don’t know who was the first to relaunch the news by saying that a investigate is the prosecutor of Marsala. I never said to be investigated by the prosecutor of Marsala, I repeat again “, says the journalist Rai Milo Infante. And then he concludes: “In any case, I can’t see the defamation, you have to understand, I can’t really say the reason for the complaint. But I know that some journalists on this matter have given proof of superficiality”.