Zelensky and the “genocide in Ukraine”, Lucarelli in the social crosshairs

Selvaggia Lucarelli in the crosshairs of social networks for a criticism of the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. After French President Emmanuel Macron had called for prudence in talking about the genocide taking place in Ukraine, Zelensky then replied by inviting Macron to see “with his own eyes” what is happening in the country. A position, this, commented two days ago by the journalist on Twitter. “And of course. Because genocides – wrote Lucarelli – you see them like this, by eye, you don’t carry out investigations and trials. Perhaps it would be time to give him the answers he deserves, because one can be the victim of an attack but still remain arrogant deceivers. “. The blogger’s comment had sparked several controversies on the social network, with Lucarelli once again in the crosshairs of users among criticisms, insults and offenses. “Since many are unaware of how incorrect it is to accuse before the world, for clear political reasons, a possibly re-elected president of being a denier – Lucarelli’s reply to the comments -, study what a genocide is. And why Macron wisely said , ‘Beware of the Words’ “. Then, two more tweets in response to users: “You can be on the side of the Ukrainians, have no doubts that war crimes have been perpetrated in Ukraine and consider Putin a criminal, while still not beatifying the figure of Zelensky. a reason “, the first, and the second with a final thrust:” I believe that the short circuit of the century – commented Lucarelli again yesterday – are the democrats who tell me not to dare to talk about Zelensky but to continue to deal only with Dancing with the stars defending a president who won Dancing with the stars “.