Covid, Galli: “Via indoor masks? Short-sighted and populist choice”

“Let’s ask the Prime Minister if it is right to remove the obligation of the mask indoors, given that he has caught Covid. The concept is that the protective device is a precious individual tool that, although it does not protect us 100% from infection, however, protects us a lot. Now thinking about removing this measure seems to me more than a battle for freedom, a short-sighted and populist choice “. Thus to Adnkronos Health Massimo Galli, former director of Infectious Diseases at the Sacco hospital in Milan, speaking on the question of the obligation of indoor masks, a measure that should be discussed in the Cabin of the Queen of the Government to evaluate its elimination from the first May. “Imagining, with this epidemiological situation, that removing it could be a success and a sign of normality – insists Galli – does not seem sensible to me. Normality will exist when the pandemic has died down and I don’t think so”.