Covid Italy, today 8,085 infections and 201 deaths: May 13 bulletin

There are 8,085 coronavirus infections in Italy, region by region, according to data from the Civil Protection bulletin. Since yesterday, another 201 deaths have been recorded in the regions, bringing the total to 123,745 since the beginning of the emergency linked to covid-19. Read also REGIONALABRIA DATA – There are 327 new coronavirus infections in Calabria according to today’s bulletin, 13 May. Also recorded 4 other deaths. In the region to date, 753,305 subjects have been subjected to tests for a total of 817,225 swabs performed (more tests can be performed on the same subject). The people who tested positive for Coronavirus are 63.962 (+327 compared to yesterday), 689.343 negative ones. 28 people in intensive care (stable compared to yesterday), 828 healed / discharged LOMBARDY – There are 1,396 new coronavirus infections in Lombardy, according to the table of today’s bulletin, 13 May. Also recorded 13 other deaths. The new cases of Covid19 emerged from 49,484 processed swabs, with a positivity rate of approximately 2.8%. 1,710 people recovered and discharged from hospitals in the last 24 hours: the new data bring the total of currently positive in the Region to 39,544 (-327) PIEDMONT – There are 706 new coronavirus infections in Piedmont according to today’s bulletin, May 13. Also recorded 14 other deaths. The new positives are equal to 3.2% of 22,407 swabs performed, of which 11,896 are antigenic. Of the 706 new cases, 284 were asymptomatic (40.2%). There are 63 screening cases, 482 case contacts, 161 with ongoing investigation, 4 in RSA and Social Welfare Structures, 95 in schools and 607 among the general population. The total of positive cases thus becomes 358,368, of which 28,891 Alessandria, 17,163 Asti, 11,160 Biella, 51,679 Cuneo, 27,525 Novara, 191,966 Turin, 13,338 Vercelli, 12,664 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 1,471 residents outside the region, but in the care of Piedmont health facilities. The remaining 2,511 are under development and territorial assignment. There are 143 hospitalized in intensive care (-2 compared to yesterday) .EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 618 new coronavirus infections in Emilia Romagna according to the table of today’s bulletin, 13 May. Also recorded 18 other deaths. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 378,060 positive cases have been registered in the Region, 618 more than yesterday, out of a total of 23,936 swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the number of tampons made since yesterday is 2.6% .In the meantime, the anti-Covid vaccination campaign continues, which at this stage concerns the health care staff and the Cra, including inpatients of residences for the elderly, in majority already immunized, those over 80 in home care and their spouses, if they are 80 or older, and people aged 55 and over, while from today it is possible to apply for vaccination for the age group 50-54 (those born from 1967 to 1971 inclusive). At 3 pm a total of 2,056,445 doses were administered; out of the total, 685,621 are second doses, that is people who have completed the vaccination cycle. Control and prevention activities continue: of the new infected, 211 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and screening activities. Overall, among the new positives 226 were already in isolation at the time of swab execution, 357 were identified within already known foci. The average age of the new positives today is 36.1 years. Of the 211 asymptomatic, 161 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 18 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 1 with serological screening, 7 through pre-admission tests. An epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 24 cases. In the last 24 hours, 10,659 molecular swabs were carried out, for a total of 4,570,813. In addition to these, there are also 13,277 rapid swabs. As for the total people healed, they are 320 more than yesterday and reach 338,195. The active cases, that is the actual patients, to date are 26,809 (+280 compared to yesterday). Of these, people in isolation at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are symptom-free, total 25,447 (+335), 95% of the total number of active cases. Unfortunately, there are 18 new deaths. Compared to what was communicated in recent days, 1 cases have been eliminated, one of which is positive for an antigen test but not confirmed by the molecular swab and the other result is not Covid-19 TUSCANY – There are 651 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, 13 May, according to the data of the regional bulletin anticipated by the governor Eugenio Giani. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 651 out of 23.271 tests of which 12.942 molecular swabs and 10.329 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 2.80% (7.7% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani on social media. There are 233 coronavirus infections in the Marche today, May 13, according to data from the region’s bulletin. The Health Service has communicated that in the last 24 hours 4925 swabs have been tested: 2672 in the new diagnosis path (of which 911 in the screening with Antigenic pathway) and 2253 in the healed path (with a positive / tested ratio equal to 8.7% The positives in the new diagnosis path are 233 (46 in the province of Macerata, 20 in the province of Ancona, 91 in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, 29 in the province of Fermo, 32 in the province of Ascoli Piceno and 15 outside the region). cases include symptomatic subjects (39 cases detected), contacts in the home setting (68 cases detected), close contacts of positive cases (90 cases detected), contacts in the work setting (5 cases detected), contacts in the living / social environment (2 cases detected), contacts in the care setting (1 case detected), contacts with the involvement of students of all levels of education (9 cases detected). For another 19 cases, epidemiological investigations are still being carried out. In the Antigen Screening Pathway, 911 tests were carried out and 24 positive cases were found (to be subjected to the molecular swab). The positive / tested ratio is 3% .BASILICATA – There are 91 new coronavirus infections in Basilicata according to data from the bulletin today, May 13. There are another 2 deaths. Since yesterday, 1,214 molecular swabs have been processed. 213 Lucanians recovered or negatively affected. Updating the overall data, the currently positive Lucanians are 5,162 (-124), of which 5,031 in home isolation. 19,016 people resident in Basilicata recovered from the beginning of the health emergency and 540 deaths. 131 (-1) hospitalized in Lucanian hospitals: at San Carlo di Potenza 35 in the infectious diseases department, 31 in pneumology, 6 in emergency medicine, 7 in Covid internal medicine, 5 in intensive care; at the Madonna delle Grazie hospital in Matera 29 in the infectious disease ward, 12 in pulmonology, 1 in Covid internal medicine and 5 in intensive care. The number of beds occupied in intensive care is unchanged, they are 10. Since the beginning of the health emergency, 339,555 molecular swabs have been analyzed, of which 311,643 were negative, and 195,665 people were tested. yellow, the more restrictive measures in the red area become six. With an order signed yesterday by the President of the Region Vito Bardi, these provisions were established for Acerenza, in the province of Potenza, after monitoring the weekly incidence of infections. The provision is valid until May 16. Up to the same date Ripacandida, Balvano and Rionero in Vulture, in the province of Potenza, are also in the red area; Garaguso and Rotondella, in the province of Matera VALLE D’AOSTA – No deaths and 29 new infections from Covid -19 in Valle d’Aosta that bring the total total of patients affected by the virus from the beginning of the epidemic to 11,311. The current positive cases are 503, – 10 compared to yesterday, of which 21 hospitalized, 6 in intensive care, and 476 in home isolation. The data are contained in the Health Update Bulletin of the Region. The healed have risen by 39 units to 10,342, the swabs carried out to date are 121,340, + 646, of which 27,856 processed with rapid unsanitary tests. The deaths of people who tested positive for coronavirus since the beginning of the emergency in Valle d’Aosta are 466.PUGLIA – There are 554 new infections from Coronavirus in Puglia according to today’s bulletin, May 13. The table refers to another 31 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 9,160 swabs were made. Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases: Bari at 141, 105 in Lecce and 101 in Foggia. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 6,219 victims in the Region. The healed or discharged since yesterday were 1,777. There were 1,383 hospitalized patients while yesterday they were 1,476 (-93) .FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 84 new infections from Coronavirus in Friuli Venezia Giulia according to today’s bulletin, 13 May. The table refers to another 5 deaths. The admissions to intensive care units are stable, equal to 18, while those in other departments are decreasing and are 98. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the victims have been 3,760. The totally healed are 91,037, the clinically healed 5,601, while those in isolation today drop to 5,854.SARDINIA – There are 72 new infections from Coronavirus in Sardinia according to today’s bulletin, May 13. The table refers to another dead person. In the last 24 hours 4,677 tests have been carried out. There were 241 hospitalized patients, 13 fewer, 39, one more, in intensive care. There are 14,474 people in home isolation and 271 more healed. Among the areas with the highest number of new infections: Cagliari and Nuoro, both with 16 more infections since yesterday and 10 in Sassari. CAMPANIA – There are 1,100 new infections from Coronavirus in Campania according to today’s bulletin, 13 May. The table refers to another 24 deaths, of which 5 occurred previously, but recorded yesterday. In the last 24 hours there were 18,701 molecular swabs with a positive percentage of 5.93%. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the victims have been 6,773 in the Region. The healed were 2,054 in the last 24 hours. In Campania there are 105 Covid patients in intensive care, 1,285 those in hospital wards.