Mad For Science 2021, 8 finalists chosen

The Liceo Scientifico Ettore Majorana of Sessa Aurunca (CE), the Liceo Enrico Fermi of Bologna, the Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei of Trieste, the Liceo Scientifico Facchetti of Treviglio (BG), the Liceo Scientifico Guglielmo Marconi of Pesaro, the Liceo Scientifico Valsalice of Turin, the Liceo Scientifico Alessandro Volta in Foggia and the Liceo Scientifico Guglielmo Marconi in San Gavino Monreale (SU) are the 8 finalist institutes that will compete on 7 October for the victory of the fifth edition, the third nationally, of the Mad for Competition. Science, promoted by the DiaSorin Foundation. The challenge will see the eight finalists discuss the theme “Regenerating the future”, with the elaboration of 5 experimental experiences linked to the sustainable development goals of the UN 2030 Agenda identified as the guiding thread of this year’s edition: from Innovation linked to biotechnology (SDG 9), to that of recycling, waste, circular economy (SDG 12) and to the environment and sustainability (SDG 11). The eight selected high schools present the following projects: Majorana Scientific High School of Sessa Aurunca (CE) with the project “From chestnut peels to bioactive substances … young researchers at work”, dedicated to monitoring the health and biodiversity of chestnut groves and to exploit the waste of the products of the production chain (such as peels) to produce bioplastics, compost and extract tannins to be used in cosmetics. Fermi Scientific Lyceum of Bologna with the project “AgriLab: molecular and traditional biotechnologies for urban ecology” , which includes a metropolitan bio-laboratory, with spaces outside and inside the school, where solutions can be developed to protect the environment: from the planting of a bamboo grove for monitoring the CO2 sequestered to the construction of hydroponic greenhouses controlled with Arduino. Scientifico Galilei of Trieste with the project “Clean energy from viticulture waste”, a path along the 5 years of the Lyceum at to discover viticulture, to encourage knowledge in the environmental and energy fields and to build new plants for the production of electricity fed with production waste such as pruning and pomace.Liceo Scientifico Facchetti di Treviglio (BG) with the project “Dal bidone dell ‘ humid a resource for man “, for the study and recovery of substances from organic waste of domestic origin, which is recycled as a nutritional source for the growth and fermentation of microorganisms and the production of substances of interest, such as bioethanol. Marconi Scientific High School of Pesaro with the project “Mnemiopsisis leidyi: from alien marine species to resource”, an interdisciplinary path that starting from the sea sampling of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidy, an alien species that alters the marine ecosystems of the Adriatic, provides for the synthesis of collagen animal to create biodegradable polymers. Valsalice Lyceum in Turin with the project “The passion for science ranks loce “, analyzes the advantages of bioconversion, compared to the production of compost, of breeding of soldier flies starting from the scraps of the school canteen. The products of soldier flies will be used to create fabrics and yarns with a view to circular economy. Volta Scientific Lyceum of Foggia with the project “Circular coffee: conviviality that becomes a resource” with a path to transform coffee grounds into raw material through 5 experiences that touch the 5 realms of living beings: from the study of the antioxidant power of phenols, to the production of beverages to use as a substrate for the cultivation of mushrooms or as a soil improver in agriculture. Marconi Scientific Lyceum of San Gavino Monreale (SU) with the project “Olea europea & biotech”, focused on the sustainable management of the olive production chain that starts from the analysis of the quality of the soils and the characterization of local cultivars up to the study of solutions to affect consumers’ purchasing choices. The Jury will be composed of: Francesca Pasinelli , President of the DiaSorin Foundation, General Director of the Telethon Foundation and President of the Jury of the final; Serg io Abrignani, Scientific Director of the National Institute of Molecular Genetics and Full Professor of General Pathology at the University of Milan; Marco Cattaneo, Director in charge of Science; Maria Chiara Carrozza, President of the National Research Council; Giuseppe Remuzzi, Director of the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research; Ferruccio Resta, Rector of the Politecnico di Milano and President of the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities. The first two classified high schools will be awarded with the implementation of the bio-laboratory (for a maximum value of 50,000 and 25,000 euros respectively) and the supply of related consumables (up to a maximum of 5,000 and 2,500 euros respectively per year for 5 years starting from the year 2021). The Jury will also award the Environment Award to the team that has best integrated the concept of eco-sustainability and environmental protection into its proposal. The prize consists in the allocation of 15,000 euros for the purchase of various laboratory material. Not only that, to meet the difficult time experienced by schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the DiaSorin Foundation confirmed also for this year the Finalist Award, worth 10,000 euros, to the teams that arrived in the final but not winners of the prizes described above. “The goal we set ourselves with the Mad for Science national competition is to make young people passionate about science already in high school, through a concrete experience in school laboratories” said Francesca Pasinelli, President of the DiaSorin Foundation and Director General of the Telethon Foundation . “The work that awaits the Jury will not be easy: in fact, this year too many very interesting and ambitious projects have arrived. We are happy to see that more and more teachers and students believe in the value of experimenting with science in school laboratories both from the point of view of learning such a fascinating subject and for orientation towards scientific careers “. final of 7 October can be followed on the DiaSorin Foundation Facebook page and on the Instagram profile fondazionediasorin and through the official hashtags #fondazionediasorin and # madforscience2021.

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