Covid Italy, 5,143 infections and 17 deaths: July 23 bulletin

There are 5,143 new coronavirus infections in Italy today, Friday 23 July 2021, according to data – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin. Since yesterday another 17 deaths have been recorded, bringing the total deaths since the beginning of the emergency linked to covid-19 to 127,937. In the last 24 hours, 237,635 swabs were performed, the positivity rate is 2.2%. The number of people admitted to hospital with symptoms of 1,304 (+70 compared to yesterday) is increasing, while the number of patients admitted to intensive care has fallen to 155 (-3), with 10 admissions in the last 24 hours. Data from the regions: LOMBARDY – There are 691 new coronavirus infections in Lombardy according to data from today’s bulletin, July 23, 2021. One death has been recorded in the last 24 hours, which brings the total deaths in the region to 33,815 since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic. Since yesterday, 36,163 swabs have been processed, for a positivity rate of 1.9%. The number of patients admitted to ordinary Covid wards is increasing, where there are 142 people, 7 more than yesterday; while those in intensive care are decreasing, 27, one less than yesterday. New cases by province: Milan: 203 of which 98 in Milan city; Bergamo: 23; Brescia: 48; Como: 21; Cremona: 30; Lecco: 5; Praise: 20; Mantua: 53; Monza and Brianza: 46; Pavia: 22; Sondrio: 2; Varese: 169.VENETO – There are 669 new coronavirus infections today 23 July in Veneto, no new deaths. This was announced by the president of the Region Luca Zaia today during the press point. “The total of positives in Veneto is close to 9 thousand, while the new positives recorded in the last 24 hours are 669, with an incidence of 1.79% of the more than 38 thousand swabs performed – said Zaia – The total number of victims is unchanged at 11,629 “. The number of people hospitalized for Covid has dropped: a total of 260 (-5): of which 242 (-5) in the medical area, and 18, unchanged, in intensive care, while 22,258 have been discharged since the beginning of the pandemic. There are 16 new coronavirus infections today 23 July in Valle d’Aosta, according to data from the latest bulletin. No new deaths. The new positives bring the overall total of patients affected by the virus from the beginning of the emergency to 11,732. The current positives are 40, all in home isolation, in fact they are not hospitalized patients. The data is contained in the regional health update bulletin according to which the healed have risen by two units to 11,219 compared to the last survey. The total cases tested are 69,787. The deaths of people who tested positive for Covid since the beginning of the emergency are 473. LAZIO – There are 854 new coronavirus infections in Lazio according to data from today’s bulletin, 23 July 2021. One death has been recorded in the last 24 hours. Cases in Rome city are at 544. “Today out of over 10 thousand swabs in Lazio (-96) and over 20 thousand antigenic for a total of over 30 thousand tests, 854 new positive cases (+62), 1 death, hospitalized are 183 (+33), intensive therapies are 30 (+1), healed are 107. The ratio between positives and swabs is 8.2% but if we also consider the antigenic the percentage drops to 2.8% “, explains the councilor for health, Alessio D’Amato. “Island of Ponza and San Felice Circeo strongly attention by the ASL of Latina. It is necessary to avoid gatherings”, warns the commissioner. The Rt index in Lazio is 1.18%, “lower than the national average”, remarks D’Amato. As for vaccines, today 6.5 million total vaccine administrations have been exceeded: over 60% of adult citizens have completed the vaccination process. Since yesterday evening, 38,000 new bookings have been made for the first dose of the vaccine. The average daily increase quadrupled compared to last week.PUGLIA – There are 131 new coronavirus infections today 23 July in Puglia, according to data from the latest bulletin. No new deaths. The release of the usual epidemiological bulletin on Covid-19, which until now always took place in the early afternoon, has been anticipated starting today by the Puglia Region. In detail, in the bulletin, drawn up by the Region, based on information from the Health Promotion department, 10,887 tests for coronavirus infection were recorded and 131 positive cases were reported: 39 in the province of Bari, 20 in the province of Brindisi, 17 in the Bat province, 17 in the province of Foggia, 23 in the province of Lecce, 11 in the province of Taranto, 3 cases of residents outside the region, 1 case of unknown province of residence. Yesterday, the new infections were 154 out of 7,336 swabs, while the number of deaths remains steady at 6,664. Since the beginning of the emergency, 2,815,016 tests have been carried out. 246,107 patients recovered while yesterday they were 246,021 (+86). The currently positive cases are 1,976 while yesterday they were 1,931 (+45). The hospitalized are 89 while yesterday they were 86 (+3). The total of positive Covid cases in Puglia since the beginning of the emergency is 254,747, divided as follows: 95,520 in the province of Bari; 25,680 in the province of Bat; 19,977 in the province of Brindisi; 45,337 in the province of Foggia; 27,337 in the province of Lecce; 39,680 in the province of Taranto; 839 attributed to residents outside the region; 377 province of residence not known. BASILICATA – There are 18 new coronavirus infections in Basilicata according to today’s bulletin, 23 July. On the other hand, there are no new deaths. 611 the molecular swabs carried out. Even today, the positivity rate is 2.8 percent. There are 7. Lucanians recovered or negativized. The hospitalized in Potenza and Matera are 22 (+3) of which none in intensive care while the current positives are in all 580 (+10). For the vaccination, 5,800 administrations were carried out yesterday. So far 338,158 Lucanians have received the first dose of the vaccine (61.1 per cent) and 227,360 have also received the second dose (41.1 per cent) for a total of 565,518 administrations. There are 553,254 residents in Basilicata.TUSCANY – There are 470 new coronavirus infections in Tuscany according to today’s bulletin, July 23. On the other hand, there are no new deaths. The tests carried out were 12,697 between rapid tests (5,844) and molecular swabs (6,853). The positivity rate is 3.7% and on first diagnoses it is 7.7%. The data is anticipated by the governor of the Region Eugenio Giani, today a guest at Italia 7. “Today in Tuscany there are 470 new infections, some less than yesterday; of these 189 we have concentrated on the province of Florence. I understand therefore the mayor Nardella that claims greater hardness on the green pass being in a highly contagious territory. However, both Nardella and I agree on the use of the green pass. I had only asked for a period of two weeks for its use to come into force ” , said the president of the region. “What worries me is that while last year we had an upward trend in infections at the end of September, now we are having it now – added Giani – At the moment, however, Tuscany does not risk passing from the white to the yellow zone” CALABRIA – There are 107 new coronavirus infections in Calabria according to data from the bulletin today, 23 July. Another 5 deaths have been recorded in the last 24 hours, bringing the total deaths in the region to 1,244 since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. 2,072 swabs have been tried since yesterday. +65 recovered, +37 currently positive, +34 in isolation, +3 hospitalized are recorded. Stable intensive care (for a total of 5). The Asp of Catanzaro communicates that of the eight positives of today, one is a resident outside the region. The ASP of Crotone then communicates that of the 19 positives today, three are migrants. Finally, the ASP of Cosenza, following checks, announces that of the 5 deaths entered today, one occurred today in resuscitation, 2 in 2020 (March 3 and December 2) and 2 in 2021 (February 4 and February 8).

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