The yellow of the killing of the para in Afghanistan, the mother: “No to archiving”

Letters vanished into thin air, silences, omissions, conflicting reports. Ten years have passed since the killing of corporal David Tobini, the paratrooper of the Folgore who died at just 28 years old on 25 July 2011, in Bala Mourghab, the most inaccessible part of Afghanistan, and the truth about his death is still to be written . A full-blown thriller on which two prosecutors investigate, the ordinary one in Rome and the military one. The ordinary prosecutor, with prosecutor Sergio Colaiocco, the same who deals with the Regeni case and the kidnapping of Father Dall’Oglio, asked for the filing “on 24 September” due to the impossibility – as Adnkronos learns – to reconstruct unambiguously the facts, not knowing the type of firearm and the distance from which the shot was fired “. “From the further investigations carried out, there are no elements that can univocally allow a reconstruction of the fact that led to the death of David Tobini”, reads the filing request. A request that David’s mother, Annarita Lo Mastro, a combative woman who has been searching for the truth for ten years, opposed through her lawyer, the lawyer Paolo Pirani. The decision of the Rome magistrate is now awaited, which will have to dissolve the reserve, whether to continue the investigation or to file it. “He cannot file, in ten years they have denied me truth and justice. Now I pretend to know how my son died”, the mother continues to repeat to Adnkronos. “Because there are still too many things to clarify”. Already, as his lawyer writes in the opposition, the investigation “cannot be dismissed due to its illogicality with respect to the evidential results”. Because in the opinion of the lawyer “the file in question should have had a very different conclusion, if only with reference to multiple circumstances that would have deserved more in-depth analysis and adequate consideration”. “Too many things do not add up”, continues to repeat the mother of the parah killed in Afghanistan, who would have turned 38 today. But what are the “numerous contradictions” mentioned by David’s family that emerged during the investigation? Meanwhile, the blow that killed David Tobini. According to the defense, it would have been a bullet compatible with a 5.56 supplied by NATO to kill Tobini. As the two defense consultants reiterated, Professor Martino Farneti, who in the past had also dealt with the Falcone and Borsellino massacres, and Dr. Ermanno Musto, who “although they worked separately and independently, reached the same conclusions”. “The shot that took David’s head was fired ‘almost in contact'”, ie at close range. The lawyer ‘Ris said that the blow was posterior while the coroner says earlier’ “This circumstance is not at all denied from a technical point of view by the Racis Report”, writes the lawyer in the opposition, which speaks of “apodictic, contradictory and lacking arguments of scientificity “. Not only that, there would also be a contradiction “on what the coroner said and what the RIS argued – as the lawyer Paolo Pirani says to the Adnkronos – The Ris of the Carabinieri said that the blow to the head was posterior while the coroner he said it was from front to back. It’s not possible, we have evidence that the blow is rear. ” Furthermore, the helmet the corporal wore “was never analyzed from the radiographic point of view. Why?” The first investigation, opened after David’s death, led to a stalemate, and was closed in a few months. The file was closed even before the RIS report was filed on the finds, many of which were destroyed without being chemically analyzed. Then, in 2019, the reopening of the investigations, thanks to the tenacity of mother Annarita who continues to bring with her the amaranth beret of her son Parà. But what went wrong with the operation in the Khame Mullawi valley that morning of July 25, 2011, during a firefight with some Taliban? Was it a fellow soldier who killed the Army corporal? Was he a victim of friendly fire? The report drawn up by the ballistics expert Ermanno Musto, reveals that “on David’s helmet and body there are traces of burns and combustion that testify how the shot was in contact or in a very short distance”, as stated by the lawyer Paolo Pirani. The Military Prosecutor’s Office is also investigating. It has long ago opened a file in which, however, as the sources in viale delle Milizie point out to the Adnkronos, “one does not proceed with manslaughter”, “in order to verify the possible existence of aspects of military criminal relevance. The investigations aim to contribute to an exhaustive reconstruction of the facts. “A letter written by the corporal and addressed to the mother has disappeared. There are no shortage of mysteries in this intricate affair. Starting from a letter written by David Tobini to his mother, who however disappeared into thin air , after his death. “I will never know what my son had written to me …”, says Mrs. Annarita. David Tobini, after having celebrated his birthday in Italy, had left to return to his mission in Afghanistan. But after just twenty-four hours he will be killed. By whom? “I knew from the first moment that there was something wrong with my son’s death,” says the woman. She has remained lucid all these years. death of her son to be able to put together the pieces of this puzzle. But the obstacles encountered in this path are stale, too many. Annarita Lo Mastro asks herself other questions. do I fund all the possible risks of that mission? Dangers highlighted, as it seems, by some soldiers. For example, the air coverage was not set up, as the protocol foresees on these occasions, as the mother explains: “David understood the danger and that’s where he writes me the famous letter which will then be stolen from me? Who made that disappear? letter? Too many things do not add up, this puzzle must be completed, missing a small ‘piece’ to add “. “Ten years of silences and misdirections are many, now I want the truth. No one can yet tell me how my son died. And who can confirm with such certainty that it is negligent? ”, Thundered the mother of the parà.
(by Elvira Terranova)

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