Army: From September in Palermo the information and exhibition center

The first permanent meeting place between the Italian Army and citizenship is born in Palermo, a structure that houses an information point aimed at promoting the professional and training opportunities available in the Armed Force in favor of young Sicilians and various exhibition and multifunctional rooms open to the public inside the Ruggero Settimo Barracks. The inauguration took place in the presence of numerous institutional authorities who participated in it or who wanted to express their closeness to the project. The definitive opening of the pole will take place in September. In addition to the main regional offices, the military Attorney General at the Supreme Court of Cassation, Maurizio Block, and the National Inspector of the Corps of Voluntary Nurses of the Italian Red Cross, sister Emilia Scarcella, were present. In connection with remote video messages, the Undersecretary of State for Defense, Giorgio Mulè, the President of the Defense Commission of the Chamber, Gianluca Rizzo, General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, Extraordinary Commissioner for the Covid-19 emergency and the Canadian Senator participated. Tony Loffreda. The event, moderated by Elvira Terranova, journalist of AdnKronos, cheered by the musical interventions of Maestro Dario Adamo, tenor, accompanied on the piano by Lavinia Taormina and the fanfare of the retired bersaglieri, briefly recounts the efforts made by the Armed Force on terms of enhancement of the heritage at its disposal, of a guide to the study of history especially towards the younger generations and of attention to the many criticalities present in the territory.During the event, the Military Commander of the Army in Sicily, Division General Maurizio Angelo Scardino, told about the genesis of the initiative and the social and cultural motivations underlying it: “The Italian Army has changed its face in these first decades of the 21st century and today, with determination and professionalism, it presents itself as an institution committed to 360 degrees on the national territory and in international missions for the people and among the people. With these sentiments, the Italian Army, “always committed to its institutional competences, is deeply rooted in the territory, in which it confirms itself as a security operator and instrument of social utility, proposing itself as the protagonist and custodian of the most significant experiences in the history of Italy, from the Risorgimento to today, eager to share them with the new generations and is aware and dynamic guardian of an architectural, historical and cultural heritage, to be enhanced and made available to the general public “. “The Army Information, Exhibition and Cultural Center in Palermo is the meeting point of the challenges in the field”, explains the Army. The Army Information, Exhibition and Cultural Center in Palermo, created by the Military Command of the Army in Sicily in synergy with the major local institutions, offers, within an ancient medieval site full of sixteenth and seventeenth-century frescoes, an infopoint that operates both in presence and remotely, for recruitment, for post opportunities. -military service and for access to services to the public (certificates relating to military service rendered); exhibition rooms that collect military memorabilia from the Risorgimento to the two world wars; exhibition rooms ready to host temporary exhibitions; multifunctional rooms for congresses, meetings, debates , theatrical performances or concerts, also available and open to external users. The precious structure will be open continuously starting from the month of September.

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