Health: from Artemisia onlus course on ‘Future of sports medicine’

“The future of sports medicine: multidisciplinary approach and teamwork”: this is the title of the Fad Ecm Course, promoted and organized by Artemisia Academy, a body of the Artemisia onlus association dedicated to Continuous Medical-Scientific Training and Information, which carried out in live streaming on July 7, at the gates of the Tokyo 2021 Games. The Fad course, with the patronage and scientific collaboration of the Coni – Institute of Medicine Coni Lab, saw the lecture of Mariastella Giorlandino, president of Artemisia Onlus, and the involvement of exponents of the medical-scientific and academic world, including Professor Lino Di Rienzo Businco, specialist in otolaryngology, audiology and minimally invasive endoscopic surgery Orl, Coni Institute of Medicine and Science, president of Artemisia Academy and Dr. Barbara Di Giacinto, specialist in Sports Medicine, medical director of the Coni Lab Institute of Medicine. From the numerous reports he is e mended how the Covid19 phenomenon has had a strong impact also in the world of Sport: due to the sudden change in habits and lifestyle, the “sports population” has suffered important repercussions on the psychological and physical state of health, especially among minors. The World Health Organization reports that the renunciation of motor activity in life represents the fourth risk factor for mortality worldwide. In fact, sport has always represented life and psychophysical health for the individual and for the community, whether it is competitive, amateur or amateur sport. Therefore, during the course, the urgency, for those involved in health care, was highlighted to encourage continuous sporting practice, contribute to satisfying the interest in sport, support the restart of the sector and protect the health and well-being of the ‘athlete over the years applying an integrated system of proximity medicine also to sports medicine.In some areas and healthcare companies, such as Artemisia Lab, Coni Sport Lab and Sidero – which cooperate synergistically both in the clinical field and in the field of research and training – sports medicine looks to the future with this very perspective: innovative paths of prevention, diagnosis and minimally invasive and maximally conservative therapies, already available thanks to teamwork and the hyperspecialistic skills of professionals organized in multidisciplinary teams, are changing the experience of those who practice sports, making health control processes more efficient, reducing risk in fortunes and reduction of recovery times, raising the levels of performance in safety and extending the career and sporting life of each athlete.The commitment and teamwork of the team guarantees the taking charge of the sportsman and the global protection and integrated of his health over time: it aims to constantly monitor the parameters of all organic functions – starting with adequate oxygenation – to support the athlete’s training over time, to acquire a clinical picture also on stress levels, so as to maintain motivational balance and prevent the onset of possible disorders or injuries induced by a situation of extreme fatigue or excessive psychological pressure. As noted by prof. Lino Di Rienzo Businco, specialist in otolaryngology, audiology and minimally invasive endoscopic surgery Orl: “The practice of all amateur or professional sports physical activities, indoor or outdoor, brings with it some specific risks for the upper respiratory tract. The respiratory problems that sportspeople face are manifold and not always intuitively understandable. Our primary fuel is oxygen: putting less of it into our lungs is like putting less wind in the sails, less fuel in the engine, or using a lower octane gasoline. The various respiratory diseases (rhinitis, sinusitis, adenotonsillar hypertrophy, turbinates, asthma, deviations of the septum, polyps, etc.), are often simultaneously present in the same patient and must be framed, addressed and resolved as a single ‘respiratory syndrome’ “. “To avoid – he continues – the chronicization of the pathology or the misunderstanding of even just one of the single components. Only by addressing it in all its phases (the syndrome, the diagnostic protocol, the complications and the therapies) and only using the most modern minimally invasive therapeutic solutions it will be possible to considerably reduce the pharmacological and surgical load, recovery times and the risk of accidents and achieve a rapid and definitive restoration of the patient’s respiratory well-being, both in developmental age and in adulthood, simultaneously favoring sports and intellectual performance and extending the athlete’s career. “On the basis of these operational strategies and in anticipation of the start of the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games, thanks to the new medical-scientific team Artemisia Lab, Artemisia Academy and Coni Lab, on the occasion of the Ecm course they were also presented the new health protocols for sportsmen In particular, Professor Di Rienzo Businco illustrated in preview of the results of the protocol relating to the “Kos Treatment” for top athletes, developed with his Coni Lab Clinical Research Team: this non-surgical, painless and side-effect-free system of non-surgical rhinitis allergic, has increased sports performance in terms of time and resistance to fatigue, improving the quality of breathing and reducing episodes of rhinitis and nasal mucous secretion.The Artemisia Academy Course is currently available on a deferred basis, both for the use of information and for the ” access to ECM credits, at the following online link: The disciplines recipients of the ECM credits are: general medicine, paediatrics, occupational medicine, otolaryngology, pulmonology, cardiology, sports medicine, pnei, geriatrics, dentistry, dental surgery, general surgery, osteopathy, physiotherapy, psychology, biology, nutrition, nursing . The course is accredited for 7.5 free Ecm credits.

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