Piazza San Carlo, Appendino “was negligent and hasty”: the reasons for the sentence

His was “a hasty, imprudent and negligent approach”. It is one of the passages of the reasons for the sentence with which last January 27 the mayor of Turin Chiara Appendino was sentenced to one year and 6 months in prison for the events that occurred on the evening of June 3, 2017 in Piazza San Carlo when, during the Champions League final between Juventus and Real Madrid, a wave of collective panic caused the stampede of the crowd gathered in front of the big screen which caused the death of two people and the injury of 1500 others. San Carlo the Champions League final asked the administration and the organization to operate in conditions whose criticality was evident, then disinterested in all operational aspects “, we read again. ” She – it later reads – has therefore commissioned to third parties the management of the event, operating upstream of the choices that did not leave an adequate margin of discretion to those who had to work concretely to ensure the safety of the event. were the result of a hasty, imprudent (because it did not take into account the related risks) and negligent approach (because it did not supervise in any way the concrete implementation of these choices, neglecting to ensure due importance even in the decision-making phase to the aspects related to safety “.