All the Italian Advocacy in Congress to discuss Justice and make the voice of the forensic world heard at the reform table: this is the spirit with which the OCF – Organismo Congresso Forense, by law the political representative body of lawyers – asks to urgently convene the further session of the XXXIV National Congress “by extending the agenda to the priority theme of the sustainability of the Jurisdiction and the forensic profession, also in relation to the use of the Recovery Fund resources, in addition to the topics already indicated in the reforms of the Bar and Judicial System and the consequent amendments to the Congress Statute “.” We are facing the most important structural investment plan of the second post-war period after the Marshall plan – explains Ocf Coordinator Giovanni Malinconico – an unrepeatable opportunity to address the structural problems of justice, made all the more evident by the crisis that a part and the judiciary is facing. Faced with the breezy hypotheses of reform, for now discussed only in the secret rooms of the buildings, the Italian Advocacy must be able to have its say by bringing the technical contribution needed for the debate, beyond the flags of politics “. And the unitary voice of ‘ Advocacy cannot but rise from the Congress, the true General Assembly of the Italian Advocacy, including the hypothesis of convening the Congress at the Fiera di Roma, a structure capable of seating seven thousand, therefore well capable of hosting the 900 delegates with the necessary distancing. . “Given the acceleration given by the Government to the debate, so much so as to suggest that the proposed reforms will be approved by Parliament by the autumn – concludes Malinconico – the Congress should be convened immediately, within ten days of the request, and scheduled as soon as possible, in any case no later than next July “.