Covid, Hope: “It is still present, infections are growing”

“We are in a phase in which the” Covid-19 “epidemic is still our present and it would be a mistake to think that it is over. The numbers are growing. We look to Spain, Holland and the United Kingdom, but also France, which has exceeded 18 my cases “. This was stated by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, in his speech at the online event promoted by Cittadinanzattiva and the Inequalities and Diversity Forum on the theme ‘What reform for non self-sufficient elderly people and their families? Civil society makes a pact and challenges the institutions’. “We are reasoning with the Regions to try to understand which are the best choices, the reopenings were the result of a vaccination campaign which is the tool we have to put the worst days behind us. We must insist energetically on vaccinations, we have exceeded 61 millions of doses administered. On this there must be no division and ambiguity but we must work for the campaign to continue “, recalled the minister.” The vaccine is essential even under the age of 40. Our scientists strongly recommend it even under 40 in bands authorized by regulatory agencies “, underlined Speranza. Speaking of the Green Pass, finally, the minister announced that” this morning at 7 o’clock more than 36 million digital green certificates had been downloaded “. Then he added: “The freedoms regained after such difficult weeks are primarily the result of the vaccination campaign. Even in the next few hours, which are delicate hours because we will have a discussion in the government, a council of ministers, we must insist on this point. intelligent and I think extensively the Green pass as a fundamental tool that can allow us to govern this phase, and still insist that the vaccination campaign continue as determined and rigorously as possible “.