Covid Lombardy today, 407 infections: July 20 bulletin

There are 407 new coronavirus infections in Lombardy according to data from today’s bulletin, 20 July. There have been no deaths in the past 24 hours. The positivity index stands at 1.2%. The swabs carried out are 31,954, for a total of 12,175,439. The admissions to intensive care are 31 (+1) while those admitted to the non-critical area drop to 136 (-2). Total deaths have been 33,810 since the start of the pandemic. These are the new cases by province: Milan: 153 of which 89 in Milan city; Bergamo: 22; Brescia: 45; Como: 7; Cremona: 7; Lecco: 8; Praise: 6; Mantua: 15; Monza and Brianza: 48; Pavia: 10; Sondrio: 4; Varese: 46.