Palestinian and Syrian beaten up near Ghetto Roma, they had Palestine flag, investigations

While the demonstration of solidarity for Israel, called by the Jewish Community in the aftermath of the tensions in Jerusalem, began, around 6 pm yesterday the policemen engaged in the public order service in the Ghetto of Rome intervened at the Ponte dei Quattro Capi, on the Tiber Island, where an attack on some boys with flags was reported. As Adnkronos learns, on the spot only two very young agitated and with evident bruises on the face, one of whom was still clutching the flag of Palestine. This is what he allegedly told the officers that he was beaten by three or four boys, presumably his peers. When the police asked why they were there, plus a Palestine flag, the two – a 26-year-old Palestinian and a 20-year-old Syrian – said they were students and were on the bridge for a walk. While one delivered the documents as requested, the other refused, saying he just wanted to leave and didn’t need to be medicated. Blocked, he had in his backpack a small acoustic diffusion system with microphone, an electric cable and a loudspeaker. Both, from whom another backpack would also have been stolen, were identified while the eldest was rescued and taken by ambulance to the Fatebenefratelli hospital. (by Silvia Mancinelli)