Covid, Pregliasco: “Don’t be like Johnson, no sudden openings”

“We must not act like” British Prime Minister Boris “Johnson who, in an improvised way, has said ‘freedom day’ since 19 July”. Instead, it is necessary to “make sure that there is attention in particular situations of gathering”, therefore it is necessary “to bring the mask with you a bit like sunglasses, using it when needed”. The virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, professor at the State University of Milan, raises an appeal to “common sense” at ‘Rotocalco 264’ on Cusano Italia Tv. Read also “We knew that this virus would keep us company for some time, but I didn’t think that resumed so quickly to determine such a high rate of infections – confesses the doctor – Unfortunately the variants are on the agenda in this type of virus and the Delta variant has these characteristics of greater viral load and greater ease in infecting younger “, and” consequently “also has” a wider diffusion. The positive element that I see in Italy, as well as in England and Israel who vaccinated before us “, is that” in the face of an increase in infections, sees only a small number of serious cases, because the vaccine almost completely avoids the onset of serious disease “.” Unfortunately, you can also get infected by vaccinated people – warns the expert – but the infection is invisible thanks to the vaccination. This will allow us a more civilized coexistence with the virus, even if we must continue to be cautious and not excessively open-minded. Common sense is needed. “