Covid, two Suzuki SUVs in Defense Services for military health and vaccine delivery

Two Suzuki off-road vehicles at the disposal of the military which will thus be able to test them also for the distribution and delivery of anti-covid vaccines. The Vitara Allgrip cars were delivered today during a ceremony to the Military Health Inspectorate in the presence of the CEO of Difesa Servizi Spa Fausto Recchia, Lieutenant General Nicola Sebastiani, Inspector General of Military Health and the President of Suzuki Italia Massimo Nalli . “Thanks to the entire military health structure for what it has done in this period, proving to be a backbone, an axis of holding the country – said the CEO of Defense and Services Fausto Recchia – Military health in the emergency he represented a certain point of reference. Thanks also to Suzuki who testifies to everyone’s feelings in trying to support military health initiatives in this delicate moment. We in Defense and Services have also done our part “. “This is a particular day and beyond the significance of this specific action, I found in Difesa Servizi a constant, helpful and silent interlocutor”, said Lieutenant General Sebastiani, adding that “during the pandemic period, out of the spotlight and with the same silence, the company has shown generosity “.” Thanks to the Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini for his pragmatism, availability and for making Defense a strategic asset for the country system “for the management of the pandemic, he continued. ‘Inspector General of Military Health also recalling the commitment of the General Staff and of all the staff “who were on the front line from the very first moment in the red areas”. “Sukuzi is proud because, from the beginning, it has set itself the goal of improving the condition of its customers”, said president Nalli, underlining the pride of “having supplied two cars, hybrid and technological, to help improve the arduous task, but of inestimable value, done by the Inspectorate “. Recchia, on the sidelines of the initiative, explained to Adnkronos the commitment shown on several fronts by Defense Services to military health in this year and a half of the fight against Covid . “Difesa Servizi is a lever available to the Armed Forces. We add an element of sensitivity and attention to military health which, in this complicated year and a half, has proved to be a cornerstone, an axis of stability for the country on the pandemic front” , Recchia noted, adding that the company made itself available “through a public notice to the market for those wishing to test with the Armed Forces, as in this case, Sukuzi has entrusted Igesan with the tests of its off-road vehicles to support it in the fight. to the pandemic “. The CEO of Defense and Services then recalled that” in the last two years, in the 2019 budget and in the 2020 budget, we have paid part of our profits to military health: one million in 2019 and one and a half million in 2020 for a total of 2.5 million euros “.

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