Covid Italy today, 7,852 infections and 262 deaths: May 12 bulletin

There are 7,852 coronavirus infections in Italy today, Wednesday 12 May, according to region-by-region data in the Civil Protection bulletin. Since yesterday there have been another 262 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 306,744 swabs were processed, the positivity index is 2.5%. There are 1,992 patients in intensive care (-64 since yesterday), with 91 admissions in the last 24 hours. THE DATA OF THE EMILIA ROMAGNA REGIONS There are 509 new cases of coronavirus registered today 12 May in Emilia Romagna. According to the daily bulletin there are also 7 deaths. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 377,444 positive cases have been recorded. The percentage of new positives on the number of swabs made since yesterday is 2.3% LAZIO There are 633 new coronavirus infections in Lazio. There are another 22 deaths. Today in Lazio “out of over 15 thousand swabs (+1710) and over 16 thousand antigenic for a total of over 31 thousand tests, there are 633 new positive cases (-2), 22 deaths (-18), 1269 cured, 1732 hospitalized ( -86), ICU 244 (-11). Cases, deaths in ICUs and inpatients decrease. The ratio between positives and swabs is 4.2%, but if we also consider antigenic drugs, the percentage drops to 2% . The cases in Rome city are at an altitude of 300 “says the councilor for health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato, in the daily bulletin. “The slowdown continues, today a new record of decrease in the number of new positives. Today we exceed 800 thousand citizens with the completion of the vaccination cycle, 17% of the target population. All figures are down, a positive sign, let’s continue like this” underlines D’Amato. the new coronavirus infections in Campania, according to the data of the latest bulletin. There are another 30 deaths. The new coronavirus cases have emerged from the analysis of 18,229 molecular swabs. The symptoms are 372. In today’s bulletin released by the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region, 30 new deaths are included, 16 of which occurred in the last 48 hours and 14 occurred previously, but recorded yesterday. There are 6,749 deaths recorded in Campania since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The new healed are 1,953; the total number of healed is 318,376. In Campania there are 116 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care, 1,307 Covid patients hospitalized in hospital wards ABRUZZOS There are 150 new coronavirus infections in Abruzzo. No deaths. In detail, there are a total of 72799 positive cases of Covid-19 registered in Abruzzo since the beginning of the emergency. Compared to yesterday, there are 150 new cases, of which 39 are under the age of 19, while the death toll remains at 2447. This was communicated by the Regional Health Department. Since the start of the coronavirus emergency, a total of 1056850 molecular swabs (+4067 compared to yesterday) and 434728 antigen tests (+2254 compared to yesterday) have been performed. There are 246 patients (-8 compared to yesterday) hospitalized, 24 (-1 compared to yesterday with 0 new admissions) in intensive care, while the other 6989 (-403 compared to yesterday) are in home isolation with active surveillance by part of the ASL. Of the total number of positive cases, 18230 are resident or domiciled in the province of L’Aquila (+45 compared to yesterday), 18884 in the province of Chieti (+63), 17944 in the province of Pescara (+9), 16993 in the province of Teramo ( +32), 562 outside the region (+3) and 186 (-2) for which provenance checks are underway. VALLE D’AOSTA There are 23 new coronavirus infections today 12 May in Valle d’Aosta, according to data from the latest bulletin. There are another 2 deaths. The new cases bring the overall total of patients affected by the virus from the beginning of the emergency to 11,282. The data is contained in the regional health update bulletin according to which the current positives are 513, -21 compared to yesterday, of which 19 hospitalized, seven in intensive care, and 487 in home isolation. The recovered rose to 10,303, +42 compared to yesterday, the swabs carried out to date are 120,694, +554 of which 27,488 carried out with rapid antigen tests. There are 464 deaths of people who have tested positive for coronavirus in Valle d’Aosta since the beginning of the epidemic. PUGLIAS There are 615 new coronavirus infections in Puglia according to today’s bulletin, May 12. Also recorded 36 other deaths. Therefore, new cases of Covd19 positivity in the region are decreasing in the face of a simultaneous decrease in the number of tests. On the other hand, deaths are on the rise. The advance of the healed continues to spur and therefore the number of currently positive and hospitalized patients is significantly bending. The data are contained in the daily epidemiological bulletin, drawn up by the Region on the basis of information from the Health Promotion department. BASILICATA In Basilicata there are 122 new cases of coronavirus, out of a total of 1,427 molecular swabs, registered today 12 May and 4 deaths. This was announced by the regional task force with the usual daily bulletin. The deceased people resided in Balvano, Picerno, Potenza and Rionero in Vulture. 361 Lucanians recovered or negatively affected. Updating the overall data, currently positive Lucanians are 5,286 (-243), of which 5,154 in home isolation. 18,803 people residing in Basilicata recovered from the beginning of the health emergency and 538 have died.VENETO There are 493 coronavirus infections in Veneto today, May 12, according to data from the region’s bulletin. Since yesterday, another 18 deaths have been recorded. New cases were identified on 45,039 swabs, the positivity rate is 1.09%. There are 1,117 patients in the hospital. 979 (-31) hospitalized in non-critical areas. 138 patients (-10) are hospitalized in intensive care. TUSCANY There are 495 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, May 12, according to data from the region’s bulletin anticipated by governor Eugenio Giani. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 495 out of 23,190 tests of which 13,726 molecular swabs and 9,464 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 2.13% (6.7% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani on social media. coronavirus infections in the Marches today, May 12, according to data from the region’s bulletin. The Health Service, in detail, announced that since yesterday 5100 swabs have been examined: 2602 in the new diagnosis path (of which 576 in the screening with the Antigenic path) and 2498 in the healed path (with a positive / tested ratio equal to 8 The positives in the new diagnosis path are 230 (52 in the province of Macerata, 35 in the province of Ancona, 84 in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, 12 in the province of Fermo, 35 in the province of Ascoli Piceno and 12 outside the region These cases include symptomatic subjects (41 cases detected), contacts in the home setting (52 cases detected), close contacts of positive cases (88 cases detected), contacts in the work setting (4 cases detected), contacts with the involvement of students of each level of training (12 cases detected), health care pathway screening (1 case detected). For another 32 cases, epidemiological investigations are still being carried out. In the Antigen Screening Pathway, 576 tests were carried out and 33 positive cases were found (to be subjected to the molecular swab). The positive / tested ratio is 6%. FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIAS There are 75 new coronavirus infections in Friuli Venezia Giulia according to data from today’s bulletin, 12 May. There are another 6 deaths. Since yesterday, 6,062 molecular swabs have been processed, with a positive percentage of 1.07%. There are also 2,032 rapid antigenic tests carried out, from which 10 cases (0.49%) were detected. The admissions in intensive care units drop to 18 and those in other departments are also reduced, which are 120. The total deaths amount to 3,752, with the following territorial division: 799 in Trieste, 1.992 in Udine, 670 in Pordenone and 291 in Gorizia. The totally healed are 90,853, the clinically healed 5,577, while those in isolation today drop to 5,948. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a total of 106,268 people have been positive with the following territorial division: 20,956 in Trieste, 50,459 in Udine, 20,751 in Pordenone, 12,914 in Gorizia and 1,188 from outside the region. Piedmont according to the data of today’s bulletin, 12 May. There are another 18 deaths. The new cases are equal to 4% of the 19,506 swabs performed, of which 9,739 antigenic. The total of positive cases thus becomes 357,662, of which 28,826 Alessandria, 17,141 Asti, 11,127 Biella, 51,536 Cuneo, 27,489 Novara, 191,610 Turin, 13,305 Vercelli, 12,648 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 1,471 residents outside the region, but in charge of Piedmont health facilities. The remaining 2,509 are under development and territorial assignment. 145 people are hospitalized in intensive care (-3 compared to yesterday). Non-intensive care patients are 1,599 (-59). There are 10,541 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 4,605,507 (+ 19,506). The total number of deaths in the region is now 11,451. The patients recovered are a total of 333,926 (+ 1,157).