Denise Pipitone, Who saw it in the former home of Anna Corona

Denise Pipitone case, while the girl from Scalea assures the reporters that she is not the child who disappeared in 2004 from Mazara Del Vallo, the cameras of “Who saw him?” tonight they will enter the building where Anna Corona lived, also collecting the testimony of the neighbor: “The men of the police force – he said to the microphones of the program – entered the hall which was open, Anna Corona arrived, then they they turned around and asked me if they could sit in my house. I was on the ground floor and Anna Corona on the second floor. They – he explains – knew it was my house because they also commented on the photos of my relatives hanging on the wall. ” conducted by Federica Sciarelli, who tonight will also show some unpublished documents on Denise Pipitone, has meanwhile published the extract from Anna Corona’s deposition on Facebook: “When the policemen arrived they told me they wanted to talk to me, then I asked if the my neighbor made us sit “. So the policemen didn’t come to your house?” They didn’t go up, they came to my house but they didn’t go up because I live upstairs, so no i stayed down “. But Marshal Francesco Di Girolamo, present during the investigation, told in his deposition that he had entered the woman’s house. When asked “did you inspect that house?”, Di Girolamo replied in the deposition: “An inspection was carried out because practically all the rooms in the house were shown to us”. Those of a ground floor apartment? “Downstairs, yes,” he replies. And by whom were they shown? “From Mrs. Anna Corona”, the answer.