Rome, hard blow to the drug market: 3 carabinieri blitzes in 2 weeks

Hard blow to the drug market in the capital: in the space of two weeks there were three blitzes launched by the carabinieri against the most active drug dealing squares in Rome. An offensive that has weakened the activity of the sale of the drug at retail and beheaded three criminal organizations. It starts last April 21, when the first operation against drug dealing was carried out at the Lupa di San Basilio, a prominent square, which the investigators themselves consider one of the most important in Europe, located between via Luigi Gigliotti, via Carlo Tranfo and via Girolamo Mechelli. There it was possible to find a ‘market’ open day and night where to buy cocaine, hashish and marijuana. Sixteen of them end up in handcuffs, accused of association for the purpose of illicit drug trafficking, dealing and detention for the purpose of trafficking in drugs in competition. During the investigations, conducted with considerable difficulty due to the constant presence of ‘lookouts’ throughout the area, 31 people were arrested in the act and a large quantity of drugs, including hashish, cocaine and marijuana, were seized. Three days later another blitz is triggered: this time the top of the Tor Bella Monaca shop is cleared. An organization which was headed by three brothers and which managed the activity of the square in via dell’Archeologia was disjointed. There are 51 precautionary measures carried out. The carabinieri thus put an end to a business worth 20,000 euros a day for a total of 600,000 euros a month. Over three hundred soldiers, canine units, and helicopters from the Carabinieri Nucleus of Pratica di Mare participate in the maxi operation to monitor the operation from above. The investigation disputes the aggravating circumstance of the mafia method, in relation to some crimes disputed at the top which highlights the dangerousness of the organization, which is also equipped with a large availability of firearms. Finally this morning the latest blitz: once again hit the Tor Bella Monaca neighborhood and in particular the shop in via Camassei which produced earnings of over 220 thousand euros a week. The precautionary detention order concerns 35 people, eleven end up in prison, ten under house arrest and 14 are subjected to the obligation of residence.