Contagions on the rise, Italy towards the French green pass?

There are over 25 million (25,286,020) people vaccinated against Covid in Italy, just under half (46.82%) of the over 12 population. But infections are on the rise and the hypothesis of a French Green pass ‘to encourage the vaccination campaign is also making its way in our country. While in France there is no shortage of protests against the obligation to vaccinate health personnel and the request for the Green pass to access various public places, experts and others are wondering about the need for the obligation of the green certificate to go to the bar, to the restaurant , at the cinema, at the theater even in our country. Infections on the rise There were 2,153 coronavirus infections in Italy on Wednesday 14 July. And another 23 deaths were recorded. 210,599 swabs were performed, for a positivity rate that rises to 1%. Covid patients in hospital are down compared to yesterday: there are 1,108 hospitalized with symptoms (-20) and there are 6 fewer hospitalizations in intensive care, where today’s admissions were 7 and the total number of places occupied is 151. The idea of ​​the compulsory Green pass in certain situations, for example, appeals to the extraordinary commissioner for the Covid emergency, General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo: “I agree with Macron that vaccination is one of the keys to returning to normality. To convince the last ones. irreducible, using the green pass for this type of event could be a good solution. It could also be a boost for vaccination “, he explained on Monday to Tg2 Post on RaiDue.
On the Green Pass, French President Macron applied what Israel has already done. On trains, in restaurants, only those with them go to events. In one night, a million people rushed to book an appointment for vaccines. To share this model and to define it as “a right choice” was Pierpaolo Sileri, Undersecretary of Health: “We should also do it in Italy, don’t ask me why we haven’t left yet, I have told Speranza so many times. Let’s think of discos. : if we allow the premises to open for customers with the Green pass, we will see that we would have the race of those between 18 and 40 years to get vaccinated “. Gelmini Our country, without pursuing “foreign models” such as that represented by France, will be able to find an “Italian way” to the “broad” use of the Green Pass, to “encourage vaccinations” against covid. The Minister for Regional Affairs Mariastella Gelmini, in the seat of the European Parliament, in Brussels, says this for a series of institutional meetings. Cost “As for the mandatory nature of the Green pass, it is one thing if we are talking about discos or stadiums but for restaurants and bars is excessive also because an economic element would be introduced: let’s think of the family going to eat a pizza and we force them to pay the buffer. I believe that I would be cautious about this “. This was explained by Undersecretary of Health Andrea Costa. So what are the uses of the green pass? “We have already introduced it for weddings, outdoor events, at the stadium, where there are large numbers, but thinking of making it mandatory for catering is premature – warns the undersecretary – then if a restaurateur freely allows only customers vaccinated with the green pass is another matter. We convey the message that it is important to get vaccinated and we are ahead of France. We have vaccinated – he concludes – 43% of the population and 36% of them “. What the experts think” Encourage people to get vaccinated: this is the goal of the French president Macron and we should pursue it too. Obviously, the fact of saying that if you want to go to the cinema, to the restaurant, to the stadium, you must have the Green pass is a way to no longer block the country . So I’m sorry that someone in Italy said they didn’t. To do things in the best possible way and in freedom, even in October, we have to use the Green pass and I can’t find anything wrong with it “says Matteo to Adnkronos Salute Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Polyclinic hospital in Genoa. “The Green pass to enter indoor bars and restaurants would not be bad”, says virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, professor at the State University of Milan. Of course, Pregliasco has some doubts about the control entrusted to individuals: “It is unlikely that the bartender or restaurateur you know will ask you to let you in – he observes – Easier in other situations such as weddings, where this is already the case. it must be modulated with respect to situations of greatest risk “. Category Walter Ricciardi: the French green pass is an example to follow in Italy. “It is an excellent initiative that all countries should follow”. In France, “the scientific evidence and the dangerousness of the Delta variant were noted, which led to the need to take these decisions, which are very wise and timely. Our situation, as a country, is comparable to that of France. And if France has followed us on the obligation of vaccination of health workers, now and we should take it as an example with regard to the green pass “, said Ricciardi, underlining that it is” an important thing because it serves to avoid the increase of cases and consequences “. “The Green pass must be issued after the two doses of the anti Covid vaccine”, adds Riccardi, highlighting that the release at the first injection “is an anomaly that must be corrected”. “It is absolutely right that the Green pass becomes valid only after the conclusion of the anti-Covid vaccination cycle and therefore after two doses “, also highlights Massimo Clementi, director of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan and professor at the Vita-Salute University. “Releasing it after the first one confers false security. And since these certifications are also used for travel, all the more reason they must certify that the vaccination process has been completed. It is important in relation to the Delta variant”, for which a reduced protection at the first dose and the even more urgent need for a full course of immunization, “but also for other problematic variants that are circulating around the world.” “We can discuss whether Macron’s measures are right (to me they are), but not if they are effective. In one day in France there were nearly 2 million bookings to get vaccinated “against Covid-19. “As you can see, even the most skeptical are convinced with the right arguments”, writes on Twitter the virologist Roberto Burioni, professor at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan. “If in order to defend, in the name of I don’t know what, the freedom not to vaccinate ignorant egoists in October we are forced to close everything with relative social, cultural and economic catastrophe, I will say goodbye and with my Green pass I will move to France”. “The standard bearers of freedom who say ‘they are in favor of the vaccine but against the obligation’ – attacks Burioni in another tweet – make the same reasoning as those who say ‘they are in favor of taxes but against the obligation to pay them'”.

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