Gervasoni: “Investigated for insult to Mattarella but it is legitimate political criticism”

“The only crime I’m investigated for is insulting the President of the Republic via social media on twitter. The curious thing is that my profile is public, and everyone can go and see what I wrote, so I don’t know why it was needed. to look for other evidence by downloading all my materials and taking away two PCs “. Thus at the Adnkronos university professor Marco Gervasoni, professor at the University of Molise ended up among the searches in the investigation for threats to offenses against the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who has eleven suspects. “The Carabinieri del Ros were very correct, kind and attentive – underlines Gervasoni – but it was certainly a surprise to find the men of the special department, those who normally deal with Totò Riina and the jihadists, at my door … me I am a university professor and mine was only legitimate political criticism “. Of course, the teacher admits,” there are posts against the President of the Republic on my profile, because I have criticized him several times, but they are tweets of political criticism , absolutely no threats. And if political criticism becomes insult, then it means that we are in other types of regimes …. It has an effect “. Moreover, he adds, “I had 21 thousand followers and my account was seized, in this way my freedom of expression was severely limited”. In any case, he adds, “I am calm: they will not find in my devices any contact with subversive environments and the tweets are public, so I do not see that elements of novelty can emerge from the investigations, if not in my favor”. “As a historian, what do I read of this story? The first contextual fact is that we are facing a serious crisis within the judiciary – underlines Gervasoni – a sort of civil war. Another contextual fact is that it is not the first once someone is investigated for contempt, it has also happened recently, but the bar is being raised by hitting more well-known figures located in a certain political area. Among other things, I am not far right, I am close to Fdi, I have nothing to do with extremism … So, according to my reading, on the one hand there is an attempt to divert to other problems and on the other hand to silence, to frighten, because, as happened to me, it can happen to others, and therefore before writing something against the Head of State next time we will think twice … Also because it is a crime that in theory entails up to 5 years in prison … ” A separate issue is that of the media. “Some newspapers have slammed the monster on the front page – says the teacher – also writing false things: that I would be investigated for incitement to violence or criminal association, that I would even be anti-Semitic, when one of the last posts I made was pro Israel”. Then there is the political question: “On social networks they can instigate violence against Meloni, against Salvini and nothing happens … it is true that I am not the head of state but no magistrate deals with it, and instead they deal with political criticism to the President of the Republic, such as the one advanced by myself and the journalist Francesca Totolo, for example “. Gervasoni sees a liberticidal drift “in Italy and in all Western countries” and “on various fronts”, which now, he adds, “is also affecting media and social networks, which until recently were an instrument of individual freedom and are now censored both by their own ‘publishers’ and by the judiciary “.