The new Sellerio economic necklace is born

‘Promemoria’ is born, the new economic series of the Sellerio publishing house in Palermo that will arrive in bookstores the day after tomorrow, July 15th. The new bet by Antonio and Olivia Sellerio. A 50-year-old publishing house moves in and around time like a braid, maintaining a convex gaze aimed at the continuous search for new and precious local and world voices, or for great pages of the past such as those that populate certain antiquarian and d ‘bookshops. occasion, and a concave look inside, at a catalog that is its soul and litmus test, and at its necklaces that flow over the years, declaring their intentions, weaving their history and defining their identity. And to dive into the blue of its covers, into the depth of its catalog, among certain great titles absent from bookstores for too long, this publishing house, more than ever in this moment of the world that upsets and stuns, always convinced of the need to preserve the memory and make use of them, has at heart that these books come back to emerge, and there is a strong urge to reunite them with their readers and passionate about new ones. Thus was born «Promemoria», “almost a help, a suggestion to remember and rediscover readings, no longer, or difficult to find, a series of new graphics, designed by Olivia Sellerio, which reverses the practice of formats and transgresses equivalence between economic and paperback, vice versa by enlarging, which has a low cost while maintaining the usual quality to which we have accustomed our readers, and intends to give space to the happy hands of certain Italian illustrators, proposing their original drawings on the cover “. If, as Leonardo wrote Sciascia, to title a literary series the memory “is an exhortation not to forget certain writers, certain texts, certain facts”, if for more than thirty years Elvira Sellerio has perfected the initial intentions, increased the mixture and diversity of titles, adding hundreds of pieces that would have contributed to composing the mosaic of an ideal library, becoming the means – as he said – of a beautiful relationship between institution that tells stories and other people who listen to them, today “Promemoria” renews the promise, memory of “La memoria” and of the entire catalog, republishing works of yesterday and today not to be forgotten, in favor of memory, on the side of memory, readers and large pages.

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