Covid today Piedmont, 53 infections: 13 July bulletin

There are 53 coronavirus infections in Piedmont today, 13 July 2021, according to data from the region’s bulletin. No deaths were recorded. The 53 new cases (of which 15 after antigenic tests) are equal to 0.4% of 13,870 swabs performed, of which 8,467 antigenic. Of the 53 positives, 33 were asymptomatic (76.5%). The cases are divided as follows: 20 screenings, 26 case contacts, 7 with ongoing investigation; by area: 1 RSA / Social-Welfare Structures, 1 school, 51 general population. There are 3 hospitalized in intensive care (unchanged compared to yesterday). There are 55 inpatients not in intensive care (- 7 compared to yesterday). There are 719 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 5,625,851 (+ 13,870 compared to yesterday).

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