Bill Zan, CasaPound blitz in the Senate: tensions with the police

CasaPound blitz in the Senate against the Zan bill. About twenty militants tried to reach Palazzo Madama with signs, with their hands raised and symbolically gagged but were blocked by the police, not without some moments of tension with the police, as shown in a video released by the movement. “There are no half terms, the Zan Ddl is a liberticidal law: the goal is not to protect against discrimination but to silence any voice contrary to the vulgate of politically correct, as evidenced by the reaction of the police who today stopped a legitimate protest and pacific with batons – said Luca Marsella, councilor of CasaPound in the Municipality of Ostia in Rome, who led the protest – We are dealing with people who would like to initiate transition paths even to children of school and preschool age. that these drifts are dangerous is not discrimination: it is reality. Zan and his followers do not represent the country, they do not represent, if we really want to say it, not even the LGBTQ community. any basis of law. We are and will remain in the streets against a bill that makes no sense to be in a country like ours, where rights and duties are already insured for any citizen – concluded Marsella – regardless of his sexual orientation “.

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