Florence Prosecutor Creazzo asks for a transfer, ok from CSM: he goes to Reggio Calabria

The chief prosecutor of Florence, Giuseppe Creazzo, leaves his post and is transferred to the prosecutor’s office at the Reggio Calabria Juvenile Court, with the functions of deputy prosecutor. His request was accepted by the High Council of the Judiciary, which approved the proposal of the third commission ordering his transfer. Creazzo at the helm of the Florentine prosecutors had recently asked for the indictment, as part of the investigation into the Open Foundation, for Matteo Renzi, who denounced him together with the other prosecutors who conducted the investigations. He was also at the center of a disciplinary case for the accusations of harassment that were addressed to him by the Palermo prosecutor Alessia Sinatra: the proceedings against him ended with the sanction of the loss of seniority of two months. Creazzo’s office at the helm of the Florence public prosecutor would have ended next June, at the expiry of the maximum 8 years foreseen, and given that he turns 70 in 2025 he could not have guaranteed the minimum 4 years for any other assignment. directive. So he could have remained in Florence only as deputy prosecutor: he chose instead to end his career in Reggio Calabria, his hometown, with the post of substitute at the prosecutor’s office for minors. In May 2021, he announced that he had asked the CSM to retire early, but his retirement application was later withdrawn.