Case photocopy Grillo jr, gup orders new investigations

The Prosecutor’s Office of Tempio Pausania, the same who had asked for and obtained the trial for Ciro Grillo and his friends, last summer had asked for the filing of four boys from Campania accused of raping two very young tourist entertainers, but today the investigating judge rejected the request of the prosecutor and ordered new investigations. Prosecutor Gregorio Capasso, who coordinates the investigation, now has three months to formalize the charge. A first victory for the two girls who, through their lawyer, the lawyer Giovanna Porcu, had opposed the request for dismissal of the Prosecutor’s Office. “I am absolutely satisfied – says the lawyer Porcu to the Adnkronos – In the opposition the prosecutor said that the accusations were unfounded and considered our request inadmissible. Instead now the investigating judge says that we need to redo the investigations”. The mother of one of the raped girls is also said to be “satisfied”: “Especially after the boys’ lawyer, during a pause in the preliminary hearing, came up with a really unhappy sentence – the woman tells Adnkronos in tears – He said that ‘the girls had denounced only because they were ashamed’ and outside he told me: ‘I have done much more important cases than this’. Well, in the meantime the investigating judge is asking for new investigations … “. The mother of ‘Giulia’, the name is invented, then says that the girl “is still ill” and that she “has health problems, because she has never recovered”. But what happened in that summer of 2019, a few days before the Grillo junior case? Two girls who report four young people just met in a disco for gang rape, the Costa Smeralda, the ride in the car, the story of sexual violence to the prosecutors of Tempio Pausania. It looks like the photocopy of the investigation into sexual violence that sees the accused Ciro Grillo, the son of the M5S guarantor, and three of his friends. Same power of attorney, same stories, same minutes, same period (July 2019), the presence of a video and chat. But here the outcome was diametrically opposite. If for Grillo junior and his friends the Sardinian Public Prosecutor, after almost two years of investigations, asked for and obtained the indictment, for the four young people from Campania accused by the two young people the same prosecutors asked for the dismissal. But the investigating judge rejects the request for filing and ordering new investigations. The facts occurred on the night of 8 July 2019 Everything happens in the night between 8 and 9 July three years ago on the beach of Baja Sardinia in Porto Cervo, in not far from the villa where a week later the gang rape of the Italian-Norwegian girl and a friend would take place. It’s two in the morning and two friends in their twenties, who are tourist entertainers on the Costa Smeralda, go to the disco, drink two or three cocktails, and dance until four in the morning. Here they meet four young men, handsome, fit and smiling. They start talking. Then, the young people propose to the two girls to go to the beach, which is just a few minutes away. Here, however, begins, according to the girls’ story, a nightmare that lasts an hour. Group sexual violence, abuse of all kinds, according to their version. It all happens in the night between 8 and 9 July 2019, that is just eight days before the alleged gang rape that sees among the protagonists Ciro Grillo, the son of the M5S guarantor, and three other friends. Two photocopy cases, according to the victims but with two different epilogues. To read the acts there are many similarities between the two events: the meeting in the disco, four handsome guys who invite two beautiful girls to follow them. And then everything else that is found in the hundreds of pages of minutes, which the Adnkronos has viewed. The rape, presumed. A video of about thirty seconds, the girls’ tears, many. The denial of the suspects who speak of “consent”. The two parallel investigations are coordinated by the same Prosecutor, that of Tempio Pausania, led by Gregorio Capasso. “I still take anxiolytics, I suffer from depression, I don’t sleep. I have nightmares. And they risk archiving. Why? I’m not there, I go on until I get justice. Of course, for Grillo’s son a trial has been asked. and for my rapists no “, ‘Giulia’ had said to Adnkronos. This is why the two girls opposed the request for dismissal.For the Prosecutor’s Office no objective elements emerged but the judge rejected this thesis.But for the Tempio Pausania Prosecutor’s Office there are no doubts. If for the victims and their relatives, but also for the lawyer Giovanna Porcu, the cases are the same, for the Prosecutor Gregorio Capasso here there would be no details to ask for a trial. According to the Prosecutor “no objective elements emerged – as stated in the filing request signed by the Attorney Gregorio Capasso and the prosecutor Ilaria Corbelli – suitable for blaming the perpetrators and not even sufficient to prove the perpetration of the crime in question”. gip doesn’t think the same way. “The opposition to the archiving request is admissible and well founded because, in the face of the motivation of the prosecutor supporting the archiving request, according to which there would be uncertainty about the consent of the persons offended to the sexual acts and therefore the willful misconduct of the hypothesized crime, the defense of the opposing party made observations in the notice of opposition, indicating new topics of investigation and the related sources of evidence “, writes the gup Marco Contu. “The prosecutor in the request for dismissal highlighted that as proof of the absence of acts of coercion, violence and aggression of the suspects there is the circumstance that ‘as soon as one of the two girls showed that he did not appreciate a certain act’, all the suspects desisted and came out of the water “, writes the investigating judge. And he also points out the “conflicting statements” of a witness. “It is therefore necessary – says the investigating judge – a new hearing of the people informed on the facts mentioned above in order to direct between the various statements made and to describe the condition of the girls as seen by them”. “The request for filing must, therefore, at present, be rejected and the prosecutor must be ordered to carry out the investigations for which he partially motivates”.