Covid Italy, infections and hospitalizations in decline: 4 Regions today return to the yellow zone

Covid infections and hospitalizations in Italy are decreasing and the color map also changes. From today, Monday, February 21, in fact, four Regions pass from the orange zone to the yellow zone, on the basis of a new ordinance of the Minister of Health. These are Abruzzo, Marche, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta, while Friuli Venezia Giulia remains in the orange zone. Meanwhile, the green light has come for the fourth dose of vaccine “in subjects with marked impairment of the immune response”, as stated in the circular of the Ministry of Health, which follows the opinion of the AIFA CTS. Read also Yesterday 42,081 new coronavirus infections and another 141 deaths were recorded, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. Ordinary hospitalizations and ICU hospitalizations are decreasing, as also evidenced by the data of the latest ISS monitoring on the SARS-Cov-2 epidemiological trend. VACCINATION NUMBERS – On the vaccination front, yesterday it was the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who underlined the data, on the occasion of his speech at the second National Day of health, social and health personnel, social welfare and voluntary work, organized by Fnomceo. “There are numbers that pass with indifference, but to date we have administered 133 million doses of the vaccine in 13 and a half months – said Speranza – Only a large country can do it, a large National Health Service made up of women and men committed every day on the territory “. “Today 91% of the population over the age of 12 has been vaccinated, it is an extraordinary adhesion that is putting us in a position to bend the curve without generalized closures”, said Speranza. FOURTH IMMUNODEPRESSED DOSE – The circular giving the go-ahead for the booster dose of vaccine “in subjects with markedly impaired immune response” establishes that administration should take place no earlier than 4 months after the last dose received. “The extraordinary Commissioner for the Covid-19 emergency, based on the organizational needs of the vaccination campaign, will indicate the effective implementation date of the new indication”, reads the joint note of the ministry, Iss, Css and Aifa, attached to the circular that provides that “subjects with marked impairment of the immune response, due to causes related to the underlying disease or pharmacological treatments and to subjects undergoing solid organ transplantation, are recommended to administer a dose of mRNA vaccine, as a booster of a primary vaccination cycle divided into three doses (standard primary cycle plus additional dose at least 28 days after the last dose), in the dosages authorized for the purpose (30 mcg in 0.3 mL for Comirnaty in subjects equal to or greater than 12 years; 50 mcg in 0.25 mL for Spikevax in subjects 18 years of age and older), provided that a minimum interval of at least 120 days has elapsed since the additional dose. ale”.