Covid today Italy, 42,081 infections and 141 deaths: February 20 bulletin

There are 42,081 new coronavirus infections today 20 February 2022 in Italy, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. There are another 141 deaths. In total the victims rise to 152,989 while the total cases are 12,469,975. COVID NUMBERS, REGIONAL BULLETIN BY REGIONELAZIO – There are 4,917 new coronavirus infections today 20 February 2022 in Lazio, according to data and numbers from the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. There are another 11 deaths. In Rome 2,120 cases of positivity. “Today in Lazio out of 10,193 molecular swabs and 35,388 antigenic swabs for a total of 45,581 swabs, there are 4,917 new positive cases (-666), 11 deaths (-7), 1,641 hospitalized (-18), 147 therapies intensive (-1) and +7,800 the healed. The ratio of positives to swabs is 10.7%. The cases in Rome city are at 2,120 “reports the councilor for health, Alessio D’Amato, in the bulletin at the end of the videoconference of the Covid-19 regional task force with the general managers of ASL and hospitals, university polyclinics and the ‘Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital.CAMPANIA – There are 4,743 new coronavirus infections today 20 February 2022 in Campania, according to data and numbers from the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. There are 2 other deaths. The new positive cases have emerged from the ‘analysis of 38,357 tests. Admissions still down: 55 Covid patients in intensive care and 971 Covid patients in hospital wards are hospitalized in the regional hospitals. SARDINIA – There are 976 new coronavirus infections today 20 February 2022 in Sardinia, according to data and numbers from the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. 6 other deaths are recorded. A total of 9444 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic swabs. Patients admitted to wards there are 26 intensive care units (-2). The patients admitted to the medical area are 369 (-2). There are 35,776 cases of home isolation (+3). There are 6 deaths: 1 92-year-old woman residing in the province of Southern Sardinia; 2 women of 86 and one of 93 and 2 men of 85 and 89, all residing in the province of Sassari. PUGLIA – There are 3,541 coronavirus infections in Puglia today, 20 February 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin. Registered 7 deaths. New cases were identified on 27,723 swabs. New cases by province – Province of Bari: 986; Bat Province: 197; Province of Brindisi: 306; Province of Foggia: 575; Province of Lecce: 994; Province of Taranto: 456; Residents outside the region: 20; Province in definition: 9 The people currently positive are 86,582. Covid patients in hospital admitted to non-critical areas are 729. In intensive care, however, 55 people.EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 2,942 coronavirus infections in Emilia Romagna today, February 20, 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the regional bulletin. 15 more deaths recorded. The new cases were identified on a total of 18,344 swabs performed in the last 24 hours, of which 7,730 molecular and 10,614 rapid antigen tests. Overall, the percentage of new positives on the number of tampons made is 16%. There are 95 patients currently hospitalized in the intensive care units in Emilia-Romagna (+1 compared to yesterday, equal to + 1.1%). average is 63.8 years. Of the total, 50 are not vaccinated (zero doses of vaccine received, average age 63.5 years), 52.7%; 45 are vaccinated with a full course (mean age 64.1 years). A figure that must be related to the fact that there are over 3.7 million people over 12 vaccinated with a full cycle in Emilia-Romagna, about 300 thousand vaccinable who have not yet done so: the percentage of unvaccinated people admitted to intensive care is therefore very higher than those who have been vaccinated.TUSCANY – There are 2,665 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, 20 February 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin anticipated by Governor Eugenio Giani on Telegram. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 2,665 out of 25,626 tests of which 9,263 molecular swabs and 16,363 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 10.40% (48.2% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani, adding that vaccines currently administered in Tuscany are 8,596,311 of which 2,289,466 booster doses.VENETO – There are 3,805 coronavirus infections in Veneto today, February 20, 2022, according to Covid data from the Region’s bulletin. There are also 10 deaths, which bring the total number of victims in the last two years to 13,714. Currently positive in the region are 73,475 (-1,952), while in hospitals Covid patients admitted to the medical area are 1,190 (-5), stable, 103, those in intensive care. MARCHE – There are 1,634 new coronavirus infections in the Marche today, Sunday 20 February, according to the bulletin with Covid data from the Region. 5,896 swabs processed, of which 4,368 in the diagnostic course. The positivity rate is equal to 37.4%, while the cumulative incidence rate per 100 thousand inhabitants still decreases, reaching 919.20 (yesterday 953, 77).