Winpoll poll, in Palermo a wide center-left field would win with 54 percent

With over 54% of the vote, a coalition of the so-called “large field” of the center-left would win the elections in Palermo. This is what emerges from a Winpoll survey carried out between 11 and 14 February. The alliance, which animates the discussions in the Sicilian capital in these days and agitates the Roman secretariats of the parties, ranging from 5 Stars to the Democratic Party, from Italia Viva, Più Europa ad Action, would leave the center-right behind by about 10 percentage points. On the other hand, the other scenarios with three coalitions are uncertain: an Action, Più Europa, Italia Viva, UDC and Forza Italia alliance could even go to the ballot. To the question ‘If there were two large poles, one of the center-left enlarged to two large poles, one of the center-left enlarged with the 5 Stars, and the center-right, who would you vote for?’, The citizens replied: 54.3 percent would vote for the enlarged center-left and 45.7 percent would vote for the coalition supported by Fi, Udc, Fdi and Lega.