Winpoll survey, 31 percent of Palermo’s people have little faith in Orlando

31 per cent of Palermitans have “little faith” in Leoluca Orlando. This is what emerges from a Winpoll poll carried out between 11 and 14 February. Fifty percent of the interviewees have “not at all” faith in the mayor, 14 percent “quite” and 5 percent “very”. The same question was posed to the interviewees about Fabrizio Ferrandelli, twice a candidate for mayor and defeated by Orlando. 40 percent have “little faith” in the young city councilor, 33 percent quite, 20 percent “not at all” and 7 percent “very much”. There is also Roberto Lagalla among the people mentioned in the survey. 44 percent of respondents say he has “little faith” in the regional councilor for education, 17 percent “not at all”, 29 percent “enough” and 10 percent “a lot”. The same question was asked about the senator of Italy Viva Davide Faraone. 37 percent have “little faith” in him, 42 percent “not at all”, 19 percent “enough” and 2 percent “a lot”.