Winpoll poll, Ferrandelli preferred candidate Third Polo in Palermo

The current Sicilian regional councilor for education Roberto Lagalla and the municipal councilor Fabrizio Ferrandelli are among the favorite candidates for mayor of Palermo in the third pole, as shown by the Winpoll survey. In particular, various scenarios have been proposed. In the first, a coalition supported by Fi, Udc, Fdi and Lega (which would obtain 40.4 per cent), a coalition supported by Action, Più Europa, Iv, Oso and Liste Centro (which according to the survey would obtain 20.2 per cent one hundred) and finally a coalition supported by the Democratic Party, M5S and Left (which would have 39.4 percent). In this case, the preferred candidate of the Third Pole would be Fabrizio Ferrandelli with 70.4 per cent, followed by Senator Davide Faraone with 22.3 per cent and by Saverio Romano with 7.3 per cent. In the other scenario, with a coalition supported by Fdi and Lega at 32.5 percent, one supported by Action, Più Europa, oso, Liste Centro, IV and Udc, which would obtain 27.7 percent and a Pd- M5S and Sinistra with 39.8 percent, Roberto Lagalla would get 45 percent of the votes, followed by Fabrizio Ferrandelli with 37.3 percent and Davide Faraone with 17.7 percent.